標籤: 英文能力

生活英語+國中會考 【常識篇】熊貓小知識

生活英語+國中會考 【常識篇】熊貓小知識

★ 單字 rare [rer ] adj. 稀少的(國中基礎1200字) forest [ˈfɔːr.ɪst] n. 森林; 林區(國中基礎1200字) mountain [ˈmaʊn.tən] n. 山(國中基礎1200字)   ★ 實用字詞 mammal (n.) 哺乳類動物 herbivore (n.) 草食性動物 omnivore (n.) 雜食性動物 Facts About Giant Pandas 熊貓小知識 閱讀技巧:找出文章中的代名詞所指涉的意義,以利閱讀。 They1can’t live without the plants because they2can also get water from them3  . (牠們1生活不能缺少此植物因為牠們2也可從這植物3中獲得水分。)   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 What does a giant panda usually eat? (A) Mice. (B) Flowers. (C) Bamboos.     What kind of animal is a giant panda? (A) It’s black and white. (B) It is a small animal. (C) It’s a herbivore.   Based on the reading, what can we refer to? (A) A giant panda can live without water. (B) There aren’t man
電影學TOEIC  <芭比Barbie>的動人獨白

電影學TOEIC <芭比Barbie>的動人獨白

0-未分類, TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 文章, 時事
芭比不單單只是回憶童年的電影,其提出生活中的性別平等(gender equality)、父權主義(patriarchy)等議題深入人心,劇中的芭比迷Gloria經歷進入社會、婚姻育兒之後對真人芭比的肺腑之言,反映出女性為了追逐社會期待,內心中的迷失感;這段獨白引起了大眾討論與認同,被評為奧斯卡等級(Oscar worthy)的發言,而透過這邊我們可以更以學習幾個很重要的TOEIC常用單字以及句型,我們一起看這段話學習多益英文。   “It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong. “   “You have to be thin, but not too thin. ... You’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you’re supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. ... It’s too hard! It’s too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact th
生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】酷暑難過的真相

生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】酷暑難過的真相

TOP NEWS, 銜接多益550
★ 單字 record [ˈrek.ɚd ] n. 記錄(國中基礎1200字) responsible [rɪˈspɑːn.sə.bəl] adj. 有責任的(國中基礎1200字)   ★ 實用字詞 reassert (v.) 重申 climate change (n.)氣候變遷 global (adj.) 全球的 閱讀技巧:找出文章中的Signpost(標示語),以利閱讀。 First, the average global temperature and the sea surface temperature are higher than before.  Second, there is more ice losing in Antarctic sea. (第一,全球均溫和海洋表面溫度皆比以往高。第二,更多南極區的冰正在消失。)   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型         Why is the temperature in summer getting higher? (A) Climate change. (B) Extreme weather. (C) Wildfires. Which of the following is NOT the evidence of climate change? (A) The higher sea surface temperature. (B) The losing ice in Antarctic area. (C) The lower average global temperat
生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】中元節

生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】中元節

TOP NEWS, 銜接多益550
★ 單字 festival [fes.tə.vəl ] n. 節日(國中基礎1200字) spirit [ˈspɪr.ət] n. 精神; 靈魂;心靈(國中進階2000字) respect [rɪˈspekt] n. v. 尊敬;尊重(國中基礎1200字) ★ 實用字詞 ritual (n.) 儀式 deceased (adj.) 去世的 scapegoat (n.) 代罪羔羊;替死鬼 閱讀技巧:找出文章中的名詞子句(that S + V),以利閱讀。 Chinese believe that the gate of hell opens on the first day of the month… (中國人相信地獄門在此月第一天打開…)   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 When is the Ghost Festival? (A) On the first day of the seventh month. (B) On the fifteenth day of the seventh month. (C) On the last day of the seventh month. What do Chinese people do to celebrate the Ghost Festival? (A) Release sky lanterns. (B) Set off fireworks. (C) Prepare food offerings. What CAN’T people do during the Ghost month? (A) Go swimming.


TOP NEWS, 銜接多益550
★ 單字 delicious [dɪˈlɪʃ.əs ] adj. 美味的(國中基礎1200字) experience [ɪkˈspɪr.i.əns] v. 經歷(國中基礎1200字) ★ 實用字詞 famine (n.) 飢荒 precious (adj.) 珍貴的 suffer (v.) 受苦;受難   The two junior high school students are talking about “The 12-Hour Famine” activity. 2個國中生正在討論「感飢十二」活動。 閱讀技巧:找出長句中的主要主詞和動詞,以利閱讀。 Thanks to the activity, I realize (S + V) how precious the food is. 多虧了此活動,我明白食物有多珍貴。   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 What are the students talking about? (A) A game. (B) A subject. (C) An activity.   What did the student do during The 12-Hour Famine activity? (A) Having dinner with their family. (B) Not having food. (C) Playing games.   Based on the reading, what can we refer to? (A) Dora didn’t join the activi


EnglishOK#33, TOP NEWS, 封面故事, 文章
  暑假即將到來,不少學生已經期待每天宅在家好好放鬆,但兩個月寶貴的日子就這樣荒廢真的好嗎?中央大學附屬中壢高中三年級學生王善,不只在YouTube開設《阿善Café》頻道,更是全英語Podcast「Students Life Hacks」的創作者。他說:「暑假是增進英語力的大好時機。」 (閱讀全文...)
善用網路資源 高三生多益935還當線上英語家教

善用網路資源 高三生多益935還當線上英語家教

EnglishOK#29, 封面故事, 文章
  從三歲開始就接受英文教育,對於南投中興高中三年級學生李瑞霖來說,英文的聽說讀寫存在於他的日常生活中。高一參加全國英文演講比賽獲得佳作,在TOEIC測驗中獲得935分,其中聽力更是滿分的好成績,優異的英文能力讓他成為線上英文家教,幫助自己拓展視野、接軌世界。 (閱讀全文...)