
★ 單字

  1. dentist [ˋdɛntɪst] 牙醫(n) (國中基礎1200字)
  2. dessert [dɪˋzɝt] 甜點(n) (國中基礎1200字)
  3. doughnut[ ˈdəʊˌnʌt ] 甜甜圈(n) (國中基礎1200字)
  4. drugstore [ˋdrʌg͵stor] 藥局(n) (國中基礎1200字)
  5. especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] 特別、尤其、格外(adv) (國中基礎1200字)
  6. fast food restaurant [ˋfæstˋfud] [ˋrɛstərənt] 速食餐廳(n) (國中基礎1200字)



  1. toothache 牙齒痛
  2. By the way順帶一提
  3. I think so, too. 我也這樣認為
  4. until 直到


have a toothache 牙痛


I forgot /how terrifying/ it was/ to visit the dentist/ last time.


I forgot how terrifying it was to go to see a doctor last time.


考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型

  1. What happened to Maggie?

(A)She had a fever.

(B)She had a toothache.

(C) She had a bad score in math.


  1. According to the conversation, which is true?

(A) It’ll take about 10 minutes to see the dentist.

(B) Maggie loves to eat doughnuts.

(C) Jennifer had a toothache.


解答:1.(B) 2. (B)


I forgot/ how terrifying/ it was/ to go to see a doctor/ last time.


TOEIC Bridge測驗夥伴學校

基隆市輔大聖心高中 羅雅苓 編寫