標籤: 國際職場



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在ESG的世代,所有的製造業在全球的商品流通上都要優先滿足碳中和甚至水中和,否則商品就會難以在注重相關規範的國家間流通。這個議題相關的詞彙有哪些呢?我們一起來看看。 In a world where environmental responsibility critically underpins business success, understanding and aiming for carbon emissions, mainly from fossil fuel combustion, significantly contribute to global warming. Achieving carbon neutrality means offsetting these emissions by investing in renewable energy projects or reforestation, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability. This commitment not only enhances a company's public image but also mitigates the financial and operational risks associated with climate change. To embark on this journey, businesses should conduct a carbon audit, adopt energy-efficient practices, and support carbon offsetting projects. Leading such initiatives guarantees n


TOP NEWS, 文章, 時事
Photo courtesy of MUSE AI 2023年的長假不少,但是補上班日也隨之增多。部分企業在反應工作時程受到影響的同時,也表示補班日的工作效率與效能有時真的會不太一樣。在這樣的考量下,政府調整了明年補班與補假的規範,從中有許多toeic英文,學習了之後也方便與外籍員工布達交流。 Staff Announcement: Update on Holiday and "Make-Up" Day Policy for 2024 Dear Team, We wish to inform you about some changes to the holiday policy for 2024 based on the recent guidelines released by the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration (DGPA): The number of "make-up" days, where staff has to work or attend classes after a holiday, has been reduced to only one day in 2024. The total days off and extended weekends in 2024 will be slightly fewer than in 2023. The concept of "make-up" days is being redefined. Instead of a fixed make-up day for long holidays, we will adopt a flexible approach, limiting to one


TOP NEWS, 文章, 時事
ESG是近年來企業大量關注的議題,下文是一場ESG研討會的邀請,我們來一起看看研討會邀請函的用法有哪些。 To: All Employees From: Jane Doe, Head of Corporate Responsibility Date: September 5, 2023 Subject: RSVP for ESG Seminar on Sept 20 with Dr. Emma Thompson BrightWave Inc. is hosting an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Seminar on September 20, from 10 AM to 12 PM in Conference Room 401. Dr. Emma Thompson, a leading ESG expert, will be our keynote speaker. The seminar will focus on "Integrating ESG Objectives into Strategic Business Goals." Agenda: 10:15 AM: Keynote by Dr. Thompson 11:00 AM: Q&A 11:30 AM: Networking Why Attend? Learn about the latest ESG trends. Align your work with our ESG goals. RSVP by September 10 via the internal event portal. Your participation is strongly encouraged as we
外國客戶e-mail怎麼回? 學會這招一次搞定英文書信!

外國客戶e-mail怎麼回? 學會這招一次搞定英文書信!

國際職場, 多益攻略, 文章
e-mail(電子郵件)是目前國際職場上用來溝通的利器,多益測驗的閱讀測驗中也常會出現email題型。e-mail的寫作不需要長篇大論,也不需要璀璨的佳句,而是要辭能達意的正確英文句子。要寫好英文e-mail的技巧有很多,但是在此我們的切入點是如何強化事實的敘述,來使一封短短的e-mail更有效率的達到其功能,並顯現你讓外國客戶尊敬的專業能力。 (閱讀全文...)


國際職場, 文章
過年後常是轉職或求職的好時機,若你已進入面試程序也覺得與主管相談甚歡,似乎很有希望,但尚未談到薪水之前,一切都還是個未知數。談薪資也很可能是其中一項決定成敗的關鍵,價碼喊太高讓人覺得你不懂行情;而開得過低,又會覺得自己吃悶虧滿腹怨言,因此談薪資絕對是不可大意的一步。 (閱讀全文...)