Photo: Tax Credits, CC License


A university degree is preferred, but candidates with secondary school certificates are also eligible.
* preferred [prɪ`fɝd] (a.) 被喜好的;優先的

Working hours will be 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., three days a week.

The specific hours cannot be changed, but there is some flexibility regarding the days of the week.

The candidate must be able to start on June 1.

The salary offer will be commensurate with candidate’s experience and education.
* commensurate [kə`mɛnʃərɪt] (a.) 相稱的;同量的

在以上的徵才告示中,我們看到這家公司對於這個職位的工作職責說明(job description),其中有一句「The specific hours cannot be changed, but there is some flexibility regarding the days of the week.」所要表達的是:「每天從幾點到幾點的上班時數是固定而不可變更的,但是每週的工作日可彈性調整。」句中的specific與flexibility不僅是句意的關鍵,也是多益測驗的必考字。

* specific [spɪ`sɪfɪk] (a.) 特定的,特殊的

* flexibility [͵flɛksə`bɪlətɪ] (n.) 彈性

有些人會把specific與special這兩個字混淆!special是「特別的」,但是specific是「特定的」。「The specific hours cannot be changed」是指從幾點到幾點的上班工作時數是特定的,例如從早上09:00到晚上18:00;既然特定,所以是固定而不可改變。

Quality control specialists are only allowed into specific areas of the factory.


Would you please be more specific!


* specialist [`spɛʃəlɪst] (n.) 專家
The research and development group is thrilled that a robotics specialist will be joining their team.

* specialize [`spɛʃəl͵aɪz] (v.) 專攻;專門從事
I specialize in the sale of handmade organic soaps. Can we start agents cooperate?

* specialization [͵spɛʃəlɪ`zeʃən] (n.) 專攻;專精
I have an advanced degree in business with specialization in marketing from the London School of Finance.

* specification [͵spɛsəfə`keʃən] (n.) 詳細計畫;規格書
I’m going to give you the specifications for the project, as well as a contract.

「flexible」是指物體的「可彎曲的」,以及事情的「有彈性的、靈活的」。在辦公室做事情,都要保持著彈性與靈活性,flexible的名詞是flexibility。「there is some flexibility regarding the days of the week」是指每週的工作日可彈性調整,例如週一、三、五工作或是週二、四、五工作。這樣的對話應該是發生在辦公室的兼職(part-time)人員身上比較多。

Although jackets are mandatory in this seminar, we are flexible concerning neckties.

Employees in the Research and Development department expect flexibility in the workplace.


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