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TOP NEWS, 文章, 時事
在ESG的世代,所有的製造業在全球的商品流通上都要優先滿足碳中和甚至水中和,否則商品就會難以在注重相關規範的國家間流通。這個議題相關的詞彙有哪些呢?我們一起來看看。 In a world where environmental responsibility critically underpins business success, understanding and aiming for carbon emissions, mainly from fossil fuel combustion, significantly contribute to global warming. Achieving carbon neutrality means offsetting these emissions by investing in renewable energy projects or reforestation, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability. This commitment not only enhances a company's public image but also mitigates the financial and operational risks associated with climate change. To embark on this journey, businesses should conduct a carbon audit, adopt energy-efficient practices, and support carbon offsetting projects. Leading such initiatives guarantees n


TOP NEWS, 文章, 時事
ESG是近年來企業大量關注的議題,下文是一場ESG研討會的邀請,我們來一起看看研討會邀請函的用法有哪些。 To: All Employees From: Jane Doe, Head of Corporate Responsibility Date: September 5, 2023 Subject: RSVP for ESG Seminar on Sept 20 with Dr. Emma Thompson BrightWave Inc. is hosting an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Seminar on September 20, from 10 AM to 12 PM in Conference Room 401. Dr. Emma Thompson, a leading ESG expert, will be our keynote speaker. The seminar will focus on "Integrating ESG Objectives into Strategic Business Goals." Agenda: 10:15 AM: Keynote by Dr. Thompson 11:00 AM: Q&A 11:30 AM: Networking Why Attend? Learn about the latest ESG trends. Align your work with our ESG goals. RSVP by September 10 via the internal event portal. Your participation is strongly encouraged as we


★ 單字 dodgeball [dɑdʒbɔl] (n.) 躲避球遊戲 國中挑戰800字 pick [pɪk] (v.) 選 國中基礎1200字 captain [ˋkæptɪn] (n.) 隊長 國中挑戰800字 team [tim] (n.) 隊 國中基礎1200字 guess [gɛs] (v.) 猜 國中基礎1200字 side [saɪd] (n.) 邊 國中基礎1200字   ★ 實用字詞 Rock-paper-scissors 剪刀石頭布 go with 與…一齊 get started 開始 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Do you want / to do / something fun/? 你想/做/有趣的事/嗎?   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Let’s go to your sides and get started.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the conversation, what are the students going to do for the P.E. Lesson? (A) Swimming (B) Basketball (C) Dodgeball (D) Racing According to the conversation, who are the captains of the two sides? (A) John and Mick. (B) Jay and Fred. (C) Helen and Luke. (D) Mary and John


TOP NEWS, 銜接多益550
★ 單字 uniform [júːnəfɔ̀rm] (n.)制服  (國中基礎1200字) tie  [tái] (n.)領帶  (國中基礎1200字) belt  [bɛlt] (n.)皮帶  (國中基礎1200字) blame [blem] (v.)責怪  (國中挑戰800字) fault   [fɔlt] (n.)錯誤  (國中挑戰800字) ★ 實用字詞 in the … way 以...的方式 too… 太... look like 看起來像 Stop Ving 停止做... be angry/mad at sb. 對...生氣 fight with… 跟...吵架/打架 Before heading for the weekly assembly in the Meeting Hall. 去禮堂集合進行週會前。 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Stop/talking/and/blaming/each other. 停止/說話/以及/責怪/彼此。   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Remember to bring your books and your pencil bag.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the conversation, what may it be in the third sentence? (A)his tie (B)his belt (C)her skirt (D)her appearance According to the conversation, which is true? (A)T
不當黑手 技職生攻讀常春藤名校

不當黑手 技職生攻讀常春藤名校

EnglishOK#28, 技職英語力, 文章
打破技職生只能當黑手的刻板印象,畢業自臺灣科技大學材料科學與工程系的陳硯邦及楊譯翔,都是技職體系出身,雖然人生際遇不同,但同樣都在大一時下定決心出國留學並開始勤練英文,從原先TOEIC測驗不到500分,到TOEFL iBT測驗破百分,他們的人生現在才正要起飛。 (閱讀全文...)


文章, 校園, 海外學習
我在大學部開跨文化溝通的課,主題是全球化時代我們如何看待異文化並學會與之溝通。第一堂課,介紹全球化的理論背景與影響後,進行分組討論,許多本地學生只想要和自己認識的人分在同一組,但我要他們和來自不同地方、不同背景的人分在同一組,畢竟這堂課是跨文化溝通,本來就是要來練習怎樣跨越文化藩籬。 (閱讀全文...)


如前期專欄所述,英文摘述常見的句型有一定的結構,摘述的第一句話是一個「框架」,加上資料來源後藉報導動詞來解釋摘述主旨,以名詞片語或名詞子句呈現。再加入各段重點,並以適當連接詞或提示語串連句與句,若是對摘述的框架說明還不太清楚,建議參考上篇專欄:摘述技巧第三關。摘述的框架亦可使用變化句型,其中最核心元素是報導動詞。接下來看看常見摘述、報導動詞的變化句型。 (閱讀全文...)