From: jason.gavin@sanso.com
To: s.arthur@sunshinehotels.co.tw Date: January 12 Subject: Sanso event on May 4 ⑥Dear Sarah, ①Can you help me? ②Would you mind arranging a visit for my manager, Dana Smith, to see your conference facilities at the hotel? She wants to see what they are like. ③Would you be able to arrange this for next week? Secondly, ④could you arrange a gift for each guest at the event? ⑤Are you able to do this for less than $100 per guest? If that is ok, then could you send a new offer with the total price? Many thanks for your help. ⑥Best wishes, Jason PS. I can’t open the pictures of the conference rooms you sent. ⑦Please advise. |
一、Could/Can you help me?
二、Would you mind…
這句的用法較為委婉有禮,記得後面要加上「V-ing」。「Would you mind…」意思為「你介意…」,這屬於委婉請求可否做某事的語句,而不是真的詢問是否介意。而與「Would you mind」相似的請求語句是「Would you mind if I…」,意思是「你介意我…」,其用法有兩種,說明如下。
Would you mind if I turn on the light?
Would you mind turning on the light?
三、Would you be able to…
此句同樣是委婉要求某人去做某事的表達語,只是換成「能夠、有辦法」的語氣。請注意「be able to」需接原型動詞,因此例文中「arrange」改用原型,而非動名詞。
四、Could you…
同樣是比較委婉的要求問句,也可以改成「Can you…」,只是語氣稍微差異。
五、Are you able to…
職場英文書信常用的開頭與結尾敬語:Dear/Best wishes
如果彼此已經認識,開頭可以直呼對方的名字,無需加上尊稱,結尾招呼用語「best wishes」則多用在已經認識的朋友間,而「sincerely yours」則較有禮。通常可以藉由彼此使用的詞語判斷關係。
看似客套話,但需要小心使用:Please advise
1. This email is informal because:
(A) It’s short
(B) Jason uses Mr. Arthur’s first name
(C) Jason uses a PS at the end
2. Dana Smith wants to:
(A) test the conference facilities
(B) go to the Sunshine Hotel
(C) cancel the event
3. Jason wants Sarah:
(A) to buy her a gift
(B) to buy one gift for all the guests
(C) to buy one gift for each guest
4. The present should cost:
(A) under $100
(B) over $100
(C) $100
5. Jason is having problems:
(A) with a document Sarah sent
(B) with some photos Sarah sent
(C) with some video Sarah sent
1. 正解為(B)。這封信不正式的原因是寫信者直呼對方的名字,因此答案為(B)。
2. 正解為(A)。Jason的主管Dana Smith想要前往飯店去看看設備(to see your conference facilities at the hotel),因此答案為(A),「測試飯店的設備是否符合需求」。
3. 正解為(C)。Jason想要對方幫忙準備禮物給每個人貴客(arrange a gift for each guest at the event),合理判斷當然是選(C)。
4. 正解為(A)。禮物價值應該壓在$100以下,因此答案應選(A),「不足$100」。
5. 正解為(B)。Jason遇到的問題為對方寄的照片打不開(I can’t open the pictures),因此要選(B)。
To: jkanake@thunder.com
From: smilwlkie@lightning.com
Subject: Notice of probationary status
Dear Jonathan,
For the first two years that you distributed our products, you exceeded our expectations. Since then, we have seen a decrease in your shipments. As our general agreement ___(1)___, you must maintain at least 300 units to be considered a distributor for our product.
Our records show that you have maintained a stock of 210 units, ___(2)___ the required 300. If you are not able to maintain this level of activity, you will no longer qualify to be a distributor.
Please let us know ___(3)___ we can do to increase your customer base.
1. (A) exercises
(B) identifies
(C) stipulates
(D) verbalizes
2. (A) apart from
(B) other than
(C) instead of
(D) unlike
3. (A) how
(B) if
(C) that
(D) what
1. 正解(C)。題意為「根據我們的協議內容______,你必須維持至少300件的訂單才能成為我們產品的經銷商。」這題考的是單字用法,答案應該選(C) stipulates「規定」,因為彼此的協議算是一種合約,要用條款規定的概念。
2. 正解(C)。題意為「我們的紀錄顯示你維持著210件的訂單,______要求的300件。」這題考的是介係詞的用法,答案應該選(C) instead of「而非」,表達與前面語句的差異,為轉折語氣的介係詞片語。
3. 正解(B)。題意為「請讓我們知道______可以由我們來增加你的客源。」這題考的是連接詞的用法,答案應選(B) if「是否」,表達寫信者提出協助,看對方是否接受此協議。
文/Buffy Kao
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