日前英國首相強生宣布辭去首相職務,並暫代至新任首相選出,強生在上周三(7/20)最後一次以首相身分在國會進行告別演說,最後下台前還用西班牙文向眾人道別「再見了,寶貝(Hasta la vista, baby)」,不改他一向不按牌理出牌的個性。除了用good bye來道別,英文還有哪些說法呢?本次就讓我們來學用有趣的方式說再見吧!
Don’t get run over! 不要被車撞!
A: Hey, Lisa, I gotta run. I love you.
B: Ok, sweetie, don’t get run over. See you tomorrow.
This is for people who do not like to overdo the mush factor. It is a subtle way to imply that” I want you to be safe, but I am not going to do the whole conventional, take care drama with you!” Use it with people you are pally with and not just anybody. (stylecraze.com)
get run over「被車輾過」是一句常見的口語詞彙,get在英文中是使役動詞的用法,也經常出現在多益測驗中。用法是sb get sb/sth to do sth或是sb/sth get sth done,前者是主動態,使某人去做某件事,這裡要用to加上原型動詞。而被動態則是get加上被做的事情,再用過去分詞(p.p.),指的是某件事情被完成。
I’m trying to get this article finished by Thursday.
I can’t get my computer to work!
Stay active but don’t overdo it.
subtle有「細微的、微妙的、隱晦的」等多種不同的意思,需依照情境來判斷意思。a subtle way就是「委婉的方式」,其他用法如a subtle plan/suggestion「巧妙的計畫/建議」、subtle questions「巧妙的問題」也都是常見的說法。
The room was painted a subtle shade of pink.
The play’s message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by young children.
There is a subtle difference between these two plans.
A: Mike, let’s meet at the cafe this Saturday.
B: Sure, baby, cheerio, see you on Saturday.
The word is quite self-explanatory! All you need to do to say goodbye, be happy in a fun way is to say something like, “Cheerio, see you Friday!”
self-explanatory 代表「不言而喻的」,意思是某件事情不需要特別說明就很清楚,如a self-explanatory list of instructions「一目了然的說明書」。而字首「self-」是「自我的、本身的」意思,常見的單字有selfish「自私的」、self-centered「自我中心的」、self-aware「自我意識高的」。explanatory則是來自於動詞explain「解釋」,explanation是名詞變化,explanatory則是形容詞變化。
There are explanatory notes with the diagram.
I need to scoot! 我要閃了!
A: Oh, I need to scoot.
B: Of course. Take care. I hope everything is alright.
This slang implies urgency and is easily one of the most casual and fun ways to say goodbye. It is generally used during phone conversations or casual meet-ups and is definitely your friend when you do not want to overdo the bye-bye.
I’m scooting off to the seaside for a few days’ holiday.
I’ll have to scoot, or I’ll miss my train.
Scoot over and make room for your sister.
urgency是字尾「-cy」作名詞代表「 急迫性」的意思,字尾改成「-t」就是形容詞urgent,是常見的名詞/形容詞變化。片語in urgent need很常在新聞中出現,表示急需某種物資的狀態。
The most urgent thing in a fire is to make sure everyone is out of the building.
Many people are in urgent need of food and water.
I appreciate the opportunity I had here to grow in my career and be a part of the team. I’ll never forget the experiences I had working here!
appreciate the opportunity to是「感激…的機會」。動詞appreciate是TOEIC測驗常見的單字,有「感謝」和「欣賞」兩種意思。當要表達感謝的時候,要用介系詞of或for來接受詞。
These flowers are a token of my appreciation for all your help.
I’m very appreciative of all the support you’ve given me.
Max has no appreciation of the finer things in life.
1. Topics at the business communication workshop ________ defending an argument, synthesizing information, and writing precisely and concisely.
(A) include
(B) includes
(C) including
(D) inclusion
2. ________ most job seekers are looking for a permanent job, a temporary position may serve as a bridge to full-time employment.
(A) How
(B) While
(C) That
(D) So
3. Dr. Marsha Herbert’s illustrations were clear enough to make her presentation ________ understandable.
(A) easily
(B) easier
(C) easy
(D) ease
1. 正解為(A)。語意為「這場商業溝通工作坊的主題包含論點辯護、綜合訊息以及準確簡潔的寫作。」空格後面的受詞是三個動名詞片語,因此空格必須填入動詞,在判斷出主詞topics是複數後,即可知道正確答案為include,故應選(A)。
2. 正解為(B)。語意為「雖然大部分的求職者正在尋求正職工作,但一個暫時的工作機會可能是通向全職工作的橋樑。」本題有兩個子句,必須用連接詞連結,且因為子句的連結型態,可以確定要選擇從屬連接詞,為本來的主要子句作補充說明,故(B)「儘管」為正確答案。
3. 正解為(A)。語意為「Marsha Herbert博士的插圖夠清楚,因此她的報告讓人容易理解。」副詞修飾形容詞是文法中的基本概念,因此形容詞understandable前方要用副詞修飾,故(A)為正確答案。
文/Buffy Kao
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