Smallpox is an acute infection caused by the variola virus, which causes varying degrees of health threat to humans. For centuries, epidemics affected people all over the globe, and the disease was often serious. The origin of smallpox is unknown. Smallpox is thought to date back to the Egyptian Empire around the 3rd century BCE (Before Common Era), based on a smallpox-like rash found on three mummies.
天花是由天花病毒(variola virus)引起的急性傳染病,可以對人類造成不同程度的危害。好幾世紀以來,這個流行病已經影響全世界,而且這個病通常很嚴重。天花的起源不明,一般認為可追溯至西元前三世紀的埃及帝國,從三具該時代的木乃伊身上發現天花皮疹的痕跡。
The fatality rate is up to 30%. Deaths often occur within one or two weeks after symptom onset. If someone becomes infected with smallpox, it may take anywhere from 7 to 17 days for symptoms to develop. At first a person may have flu-like symptoms such as high fever, tiredness, headaches, and backaches. Within 2 to 3 days after symptoms start, a rash develops that typically affects the face, legs, and arms. It starts with red marks that become filled with pus and crust over. Scabs develop and then fall off after about 3 to 4 weeks.
Today, we don’t have to worry about smallpox thanks to the remarkable work of Edward Jenner and later developments from his endeavors. While still a medical student, Jenner had heard the tales that dairymaids were protected from smallpox naturally after having suffered from cowpox.
我們今日不再需要擔心天花,一切都得感謝英國醫師愛德華‧ 詹納(Edward Jenner)以及自他之後的後續努力成果。當詹納還是醫學院學生時,他就聽過一個民間傳說,說許多擠牛奶的女工只要曾感染牛痘(cowpox),就有天然保護力,比較不會感染天花。
Through his work as a country doctor Jenner came to understand that cowpox not only protected against smallpox but could be transmitted from one person to another as a deliberate mechanism of protection in order to protect them from the deadly disease.
In 1798, the results were published and the word vaccine—from the Latin “vacca”for cow— was coined. So Jenner named his treatment vaccination.
詹納是全球首位提出「預防接種」概念的科學家,他對預防醫學的貢獻,使他被稱為「免疫學之父」(Father of Immunology)。而人類跟天花的對抗終於在1980年畫下成功的句點,該年度的世界衛生大會(World Health Assembly)正式宣佈天花病毒自地球上完全根除,根除天花(eradication of smallpox)因此被視為人類公共衛生史上最偉大的成就之一。現在所有專家也努力藉由前人智慧對抗病毒疫情,詩綺老師期許大家一起保持信念,堅持希望。
How Do Vaccines Work?
Vaccines reduce the risk of infection by working with the body’s natural defenses to safely develop immunity to disease.
(A) The body creates antibodies to fight the germs.
(B) If the actual disease germs ever attack the body, the antibodies return to destroy them.
(C) A weakened or killed form of the disease is injected into the body.
解答:1. (C), 2. (A), 3. (B)
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