標籤: 旅行



Dialogue C Trouble with a Reservation J: Jennifer W: Wrigley Hostel Receptionist Jennifer is calling Wrigley Hostel in Chicago to check on a reservation she had made earlier. W: Hello, this is the Wrigley Hostel. How may I help you? J: Hi. My name is Jennifer Lee. I wanted to check on a reservation I have for June 29th through July 1st. W: OK.Give me a moment to look up your information. J: I should have a single for the 29th and the 30th and a bunk in the women's dorm on the 1st. W: Thank you. Actually, it looks like you're in a mixed dorm for the 1st. J: That must be a mistake. I didn't book a mixed dorm. W: I'm sorry; I can't switch you back, because the women's dorm is already full on that day. J: But I already paid for everything online. W: You're right. I can see it...
學英文/掌握5種句型 讓你向飯店人員抱怨問題也很有禮貌!

學英文/掌握5種句型 讓你向飯店人員抱怨問題也很有禮貌!

TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 文章
旅遊中的重要環節除了有交通運輸外,飯店也扮演著重要的角色,因為在經歷了一整天的旅程後,飯店正是提供身心休憩的場所。而要住到舒適的飯店,就要從訂房開始說起,除了地點、交通位置和飯店設施外,不同的訂房網站和官網都會有不同的房間價。一般來說,較高的房價通常也代表彈性較大,限制較少。 (閱讀全文...)
航班取消轉機延誤!你可以要求航空公司幫你cover the cost!

航班取消轉機延誤!你可以要求航空公司幫你cover the cost!

TOP NEWS, 文章, 時事
隨著國際間的商務旅行和旅遊日漸頻繁,國人搭乘飛機,住宿的機會也越多,但有時還是會出現突發情況,導致飛機延誤或取消,接連影響後面的行程。比如9月初時颱風燕子(Typhoon Jebi)侵襲日本,導致關西機場對外交通被切斷,不少乘客受困於機場。如果在國外遇到相似的狀況,我們又該如何索取退費,賠償,或請對方彌補損失呢?我們先來看看要求退費時最重要的字refund! (閱讀全文...)
觀光英語 出境篇I

觀光英語 出境篇I

Dialogue A Getting Help Booking Tickets Ka: Kathy Ke: Kevin J: Jim Kevin is on his laptop in the living room. Ka: Hey Kevin, what're you up to? No class today? Ke: We're in between semesters now, so I have two weeks off. I'm going to visit my family. Didn't Dan tell you? Ka: No, he didn't. But it's good that you are going home. Ke: Yeah. My parents will be happy to see me. The problem is that I'm having trouble finding cheap tickets. Ka: Why don't you ask Jim for help? You know he works for an airline company, right? I bet that he can find you a great deal. (Later, Kevin and Jim are discussing tickets.) J: Well, we've got a few choices for you. There's an incredible deal on first-class, direct flights tomorrow, but they're still around US$1,400 round-trip. Ke: I can't re...