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緊急限水限電 英文通知如何寫?

緊急限水限電 英文通知如何寫?

TOP NEWS, 文章, 時事
限水與限電是近年來辦公室有時需要面對的問題,當碰上這樣的狀況,該如何發出公告讓團隊隨之調整應對方式呢?我們一起來看看TOEIC 英文。 Water Rationing Scheduled for Next Tuesday  We would like to bring to your attention that there will be water rationing in our office premises next Tuesday, from 0800 to 1900. This will affect our water supply throughout the day. Please take note and make the necessary preparations. Actions for the Team: Bring Personal Water Bottles: It's advisable for everyone to bring their own filled water bottles from home to ensure they have enough drinking water for the day. Limit Toilet Use: If possible, use the restroom before coming to the office. We understand this might not be feasible for all, but it helps in conserving the limited water we'll have. Water Dispensers: We will be placing temporary water dispen


TOP NEWS, 銜接多益550
★ 單字 camping ['kæmpiŋ] 露營(n) (國中基礎1200字) barbecue [ˋbɑrbIˏkju]吃烤燒肉的野餐(n) (國中基礎1200字) carrot [ˈkærət] 胡蘿蔔(n) (國中基礎1200字) clever ['klɛvɚ] 聰明的、機靈的(adj) (國中基礎1200字) chess [tʃɛs] 西洋棋(n) (國中基礎1200字) excite [ ɪkˈsaɪt ]使…興奮、使…激動(vt) (國中基礎1200字) ★實用字詞: I guess… 我猜測… In addition 此外 need to 需要去做某件事 Have fun! 玩得愉快 plan to 打算去做…計畫去做… during the shopping time 購物時間 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 I guess/ you need to /get some carrots and vegetables. 我猜想你需要買些紅蘿蔔及青菜   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 I guess she needs to get some apples and bananas.     考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 Which city will Robert’s school go next week? (A)   Taichung (B)   Taipei (C)   Chiai According to the conversation, which is true? (A) Miranda is


TOP NEWS, 文章, 時事
Photo courtesy of MUSE AI 2023年的長假不少,但是補上班日也隨之增多。部分企業在反應工作時程受到影響的同時,也表示補班日的工作效率與效能有時真的會不太一樣。在這樣的考量下,政府調整了明年補班與補假的規範,從中有許多toeic英文,學習了之後也方便與外籍員工布達交流。 Staff Announcement: Update on Holiday and "Make-Up" Day Policy for 2024 Dear Team, We wish to inform you about some changes to the holiday policy for 2024 based on the recent guidelines released by the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration (DGPA): The number of "make-up" days, where staff has to work or attend classes after a holiday, has been reduced to only one day in 2024. The total days off and extended weekends in 2024 will be slightly fewer than in 2023. The concept of "make-up" days is being redefined. Instead of a fixed make-up day for long holidays, we will adopt a flexible approach, limiting to one


CEFR:A2 ★ 單字 conservative [kən’sɝvətɪv] adj. 保守的 (國中挑戰800字) optimism [‘ɑptəmɪzəm] n. 樂觀 (國中挑戰800字)   ★ 實用字詞 handwriting analysis 筆跡分析 personality traits 人格特質   Analyzing Personality from Handwriting 從字跡分析個性 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 A German /psychology professor/ proposed the theory/ that the brain /determines handwriting. 一位德國/心理學教授/提出理論/大腦/決定筆跡   動手做做看: Many psychologists also supported this theory and used handwriting analysis to identify various personality traits.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the paragraph, what did a German psychology professor propose in the late 19th century? (A) Handwriting analysis can determine personality traits. (B) Handwriting is determined by the brain.
下周六要補班 先學請假英文怎麼說?

下周六要補班 先學請假英文怎麼說?

TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 文章, 時事
上周六是新春開工第一周的補班日,緊接著2月18日還要再補班一次,許多連續工作六天的民眾認為根本是討假還假,但其實這樣的補班機制是為了要讓勞動階層有長假可休。但也有不少人在補班日直接請假,選擇好好休息,本次介紹與假期相關的英文,以及要如何有禮貌、合宜地請假?在職場情境及TOEIC測驗中都很實用喔。 (閱讀全文...)
不滿「低於通膨的薪資 」 從英國經濟危機學多益英文

不滿「低於通膨的薪資 」 從英國經濟危機學多益英文

TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 文章, 時事
新首相上任、女王辭世、通膨失控…近日英國不斷登上國際版面。今年夏天,英國疫情退去,隨即而來的是飆漲的物價和急速上升的生活成本,又是有生以來最嚴酷的夏天,英國人無奈和不滿的情緒,隨著夏日的氣溫逐步高漲,引發各產業大罷工,被稱作「不滿之夏」。 (閱讀全文...)
追星也能學英文! BTS白宮演講傳達正能量

追星也能學英文! BTS白宮演講傳達正能量

EnglishOK#34, TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 文章
紅遍全球的韓國天團防彈少年團(BTS),從出道以來屢次創造國際級紀錄,更發揮自身影響力,傳遞正向力量。繼2018年在聯合國以「愛自己(Love Myself)」為題,成為世界第一個在聯合國演講的男團後,今年(2022)更受邀於白宮演講,在亞裔美國人及夏威夷/太平洋島嶼原住民遺產月(AANHPI Heritage Month)的最後一天,針對反亞種族歧視,傳達出明確且強而有力的訊息。演講由團長RM金南俊率先發話: (閱讀全文...)
以閱讀啟發思考 看原文小說學素養

以閱讀啟發思考 看原文小說學素養

EnglishOK#28, 好書推薦
校園內除同學之間互愛互助的友情外,在部分陰暗角落,也存在著欺凌、冷落、排擠等問題。著名的美國青少年小說《漢娜的遺言》(13 Reasons Why),帶領讀者跟著17歲主角的眼光,探討同班同學漢娜在兩周前自行決定離開世界的原因,由影音串流公司Netflix改編成同名影集後大受青少年喜愛,是一本討論校園議題的優秀讀物。 (閱讀全文...)