1. 請假先通知長官inform
The manager informed the employees of the changes in the company’s policies.
The customer sent a request to the company for a refund on the defective product.
The employee made a request to the HR department for additional time off due to a family emergency.
2. 要說明原因due to
要請假就得說明原因,請假的種類有許多種,常見的假期分別有病假(sick leave),個人事假(personal leave),喪假(bereavement leave),產假(maternity/paternity leave),家庭事假(family leave),健檢/回診假(medical leave),度假(vacation leave)。
要特別注意的是產假(照護假)現在已經有分成父親(paternity leave)與母親(maternity leave)的類別。而「不假缺席」則是No Call, No Show,表示「沒打電話,也沒出現」。
要說明這些原因,最常用的片語是due to,後方直接加上成因即可。
The company’s profits increased due to the successful launch of their new product line.
3. 工作缺席absence
The manager allowed a flexible work schedule to accommodate the employee’s absence from a family vacation.
The employee’s sudden absence caused concern among the team.
4. 要有職務代理人substitute
The company is going to hire a substitute while I’m on maternity leave.
The school was in need of a substitute teacher after the regular teacher called in sick.
找人幫忙暫代工作,可以用片語fill in for,因為fill in有「填空」的意思是,與「填補空缺」意思相符,介係詞for後面加上代理的對象;或是更口語的cover「掩護」。
Jack will cover my duties during my leave.
5. 有緊急事務請聯繫emergency
The company activated its emergency response plan after receiving reports of a potential security breach.
bridge holiday連假與make-up day補班日
連假是透過把部分假期橋接起來所達成的假期形式,所以用bridge holiday來表示,而make-up有「補償」的意思,所以把上班時間「補」回來,就是make-up day。
The employees were excited about the upcoming bridge holiday, which would give them a much-needed break from work.
The employees were required to attend a make-up day to compensate for the missed training session due to an unexpected power outage.
1. The teacher had to find a ________ before taking a sick leave.
(A) spice
(B) substitute
(C) stripe
(D) star
2. The fire department was called to handle the ________ situation.
(A) emergency
(B) emerging
(C) exclusive
(D) encoding
1. 正解為(B)。題意為「該老師在請病假前要找一位代課老師。」(A)香料,(B)代課老師,(C)條紋,(D)星星。只有(B)符合句意,故為正解。
2. 正解為(A)。題意為「消防局收到電話要處理緊急狀況。」(A)緊急,(B)漸漸出現的,(C)獨家的,(D)編碼的。只有(A)符合句意,故為正解。