紅遍全球的韓國天團防彈少年團(BTS),從出道以來屢次創造國際級紀錄,更發揮自身影響力,傳遞正向力量。繼2018年在聯合國以「愛自己(Love Myself)」為題,成為世界第一個在聯合國演講的男團後,今年(2022)更受邀於白宮演講,在亞裔美國人及夏威夷/太平洋島嶼原住民遺產月(AANHPI Heritage Month)的最後一天,針對反亞種族歧視,傳達出明確且強而有力的訊息。演講由團長RM金南俊率先發話:
And it is a great honor to be invited to the White House today to discuss the important issues of anti-Asian hate crimes, Asian inclusion, and diversity.
● Anti-Asian hate crimes 反亞裔仇恨犯罪
此用法源自2021年,COVID-19大流行讓全球陷入恐慌,甚而掀起對亞裔族群的仇恨,對此美國各地陸續發起「停止仇恨亞裔(Stop Asian Hate)」運動,希望停止種族間的歧視與衝突。字首「anti-」代表抵抗(against)的意思,「anti-」常見的搭配如antibody「抗體」、antivirus「防毒」、antipathy「反感」、antibiotic「抗生素」。
The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic brought about Anti-Asian hate crimes, which in US spiked 339 percent in 2021.
● inclusion and diversity 包容與多樣性
Part of civic inclusion in US even now still eschews citizens who are of Asian descent.
Biodiversity includes not only rare or endangered species but also every living thing from humans to organisms.
We were devastated by the recent surge of hate crimes, including Asian American hate crimes. To put a stop on this and support the cause, we’d like to take this opportunity to voice ourselves once again.
● devastate 摧毀、surge 激增
Continuous hurricanes have caused devastating damage and significant loss of life to Caribbean island countries.
Housing prices across the country have surged over 20% in a span of two years, so some economists start worrying about a possible bubble.
The celebrity’s reputation took a nose dive after his many love affairs came to light.
接著團員Jung Kook田柾國說道:
We still feel surprised that music created by South Korean artists reaches so many people around the world, transcending languages and cultural barriers. We believe music is always an amazing and wonderful unifier of all things.
● transcend 超越、勝過
transcend barriers / limits / boundaries是常見的搭配詞,表示「超越障礙/極限/界限」。字首「trans-」是「跨越;超出」,衍生出眾多詞彙,多表示時間或空間的挪移,如transfer「移動,移轉」、transact「交易、買賣」、transform「使⋯變形;轉化」,由「trans-」縮減而成的「tres-」也有相似用法,如trespass「侵入」。
The artist far transcends the others in creativity and vision.
Consumers are encouraged to transact through digital channels to avoid infections.
The alleged criminal has been charged with trespassing Harry, Meghan’s California home.
1. In current markets, many financial _____ or service can be carried out with a mobile device, directly reducing the need for cash.
(A) transits
(B) transplants
(C) transactions
(D) transformations
2. Devastating and _____ floods hit Bangladesh, leaving at least 59 people dead and millions stranded.
(A) calamitous
(B) constructive
(C) diverse
(D) inclusive
解析 :
延伸閱讀》BTS RM秀英語力 全球超人氣韓國男團隊長也考多益
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