標籤: 單字

多益必考180 個單字,你背下來了嗎?

多益必考180 個單字,你背下來了嗎?

  名詞篇 各位同學在準備TOEIC 多益測驗的時候,是否覺得多益測驗的單字又多又難背?其實應該說,在你準備的過程當中,所買的單字本大部分都不會考。一般來講,同學們都會問應該要買怎樣的單字書呢?戴爾美語機構的張老師建議如下: 1. 必須是TOEIC 多益測驗的必考範圍 2. 單字書一定要附有CD 3. 編排精美,讓人會想要一讀再讀的衝動 但可惜的是,張老師實際走訪書局,發現坊間所販售的TOEIC 多益參考書籍,大都沒有符合常考的原則。以張老師多年教學及考試的經驗來說,TOEIC多益單字範圍其實不外乎就是金融、商務、財經的一般英文單字。同學們在準備的過程當中,不是背一些英檢或托福的單字就拿來應付TOEIC多益測驗。 (閱讀全文...)
學英文/青年租屋族福利!單身、婚育族Rent Subsidy來囉!

學英文/青年租屋族福利!單身、婚育族Rent Subsidy來囉!

TOP NEWS, 文章, 時事
台灣少子化的問題日趨嚴重,近年政府積極推動鼓勵育兒的方案,內政部更宣布9月2日起,針對未婚青年、新婚家庭和育有未成年子女的家庭,提供每月新台幣2600到5000元不等的租金補貼(rent subsidy)。藉由這則新聞,來學習與「補助」和「租屋」相關的多益關鍵字。 (閱讀全文...)


Dialogue A Farewell Ke: Kevin Ka: Kate Ma: Marco D: Dan Me: Megumi J: Jim After his study abroad program , Kevin is finally leaving the US and going home to Taiwan, so his classmates and homestay family are throwing a farewell party for (1) him. All: Surprise! Ke: What's this? Ka: We know you're heading back home, so we decided to have a get-together. Ke: Wow, you even got my classmates here! Marco, Megumi, I didn't know if I'd ever see you guys again! Ma: You're always welcome in Paraguay—or maybe I'll make it to Taiwan first. Ke: You have to come! D: Is it fair to say (2) you've enjoyed your time here in Los Angeles? Ke: Of course! I've had a great time. I've learned so much and met so many great friends. Kate, Dan, Kathy, Jim, you've been so wonderful. I'll never forget


TOP NEWS, 學習專欄, 文章, 時事
川普(Donald Trump)是現任的美國總統,由於其特立獨行的言語與行為,從上任開始就常引發爭議,不論是否喜歡他,恐怕都很難忽略他。川普前不久出訪英國,Business Insider發表了一篇12個倫敦人對於川普訪英感想的文章(原文連結),其中有許多描述人的好用英文,我們一起來看看。 (閱讀全文...)