今年上映滿20週年的駭客任務(The Matrix)以4K高畫質修復版重返大銀幕,相信所有基哥迷都很期待到電影院去看這部經典之作!不過畢竟時隔20年之久,我們不妨透過電影中的經典台詞重溫劇情,並從中學習多益單字吧!

We’re willing to wipe the slate clean, give you a fresh start. All that we’re asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice.
in return 作為回報、交換
in return這個片語通常放在句尾,如I’ll do him a favor in return(我會幫他一個忙作為回報),常見的同義詞也可以說do something in exchange。另外也能使用to reciprocate(報答、交換)這個動詞來描述,但因reciprocate為及物動詞,通常會先接上被報答的人事物。若要接上回饋的方式,reciprocate後方必須接上with,例如I’ll reciprocate him with a favor。
He ran some errands for me last week, so I looked after his dog in return.
All the guests reciprocated her hospitality with their homemade dishes.
若要用in return說明報答恩情或事情,則可接上for這個介係詞。此外,也可使用reciprocate的名詞as reciprocation for來描述報答恩情或事情。
Some tenants get rent reductions in return for maintaining the building.
The manager gave his subordinates extra bonuses as reciprocation for their hard work.
Cooperation 合作、配合
Teamwork comes down to cooperation and communication, and without it, your business can certainly suffer.
Please make sure you attach all the receipts for reimbursement by the end of the month. Thank you for your cooperation.
I’m going to hang up this phone, then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and control. A world without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.
boundary 邊界、界線
boundary可表示具體的界線,如公園的邊界the boundary of a park、國家的邊境national boundaries等實體界線,其同義字為台詞中也有出現的border。border本身是國界之意,像美國邊境專門偵查非法移民或毒品走私的邊境巡邏隊就叫做border patrol。boundary與border不同的地方就在於boundary能夠表示內心尺度界線,而border僅能表示實體的區域界線或是物品的邊緣。
By creating proper boundaries at work, you can free up your time, energy, emotions, and talents for what is most important.
1. I gave David a present in return for his help.
(A) We do need further assistance.
(B) That’s very kind of you.
(C) Yes, he’s driving me home now.
2. Setting clear boundaries helps _________ good productivity and social dynamics in the work place.
(A) to maintain
(B) maintaining
(C) maintained
(D) maintenance
1. 正解為(B)。題意為「我送他一個禮物做為幫忙的回報。」present為名詞禮物之意,in return for是作為…的報答之意,因此(B)「你人真好」是恰當的回覆。選項(A)「你人真好」和(C)「對,他會載我回家。」皆與題意不符。
2. 正解為(A)。題意為「建立明確的界線有助於維持良好的生產力與職場間的社交動力。」此句help後面必須接to加原型動詞(to可省略),因此答案為(A) to maintain。
文/羅伊伶Janet Lo
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