中文有一句著名的無標點符號句子「下雨天留客天留我不留」,來自清朝趙恬養《增訂解人頤新集》中的著名故事,講述明朝才子徐文長有次外出訪友,巧遇梅雨季節,已經在友人家中待了好幾天不走,主人不方便開口趕人,因此故意寫紙條希望徐文長看了難為情而自行告別。紙條上寫著「下雨天留客天留我不留」,原先意思是「下雨天留客;天留,我不留!」但沒想到因為這句話沒有標點符號,反倒讓徐文長唸成「下雨天,留客天;留我不? 留!」給反將一軍。
與英文標點符號相關的故事也不少,像是Let’s eat Grandma!(我們一起把奶奶吃掉!)跟Let’s eat, Grandma!(奶奶,吃飯了!)差一個逗號,意思截然不同。
另一個誤用標點符號的著名笑話是「熊貓開槍」事件,據說有一本品質欠佳的百科全書介紹熊貓是Panda: large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves. 因為逗號在eats跟shoots之間,意思變成「熊貓是大型黑白相間、外型像熊的哺乳動物,原產於中國。吃(eats)、射擊(shoots)、離開(leaves)」。但事實上正確寫法應該將最後一個逗號刪掉,成為eats shoots and leaves,解釋為「吃嫩芽(shoots)和葉子(leaves)」。
為了展現對標點符號的重視,美國還特將9月24日訂為National Punctuation Day「國家標點符號日」。事實上標點符號有其發展歷史,我們一起來閱讀以下幾個英文句子。
In the 3rd Century BCE, a librarian in Egypt named Aristophanes had had enough. He was chief of staff at the city’s famous library, home to hundreds of thousands of scrolls, which were all frustratingly time-consuming to read.
Back then the Greeks had written their texts so that their letters ran together“withnospacesorpunctuation”and without any distinction between lowercase and capitals. It was up to the reader to pick their way through this unforgiving mass of letters to discover where each word or sentence ended and the next began.
Aristophanes’ breakthrough was to suggest that readers could annotate their documents, relieving the unbroken stream of text with dots of ink aligned with the middle (•), bottom (•) or top (•) of each line. His points corresponded to the pauses of increasing length that a practised reader would habitually insert between formal units of speech called the comma, colon and period.
Between 400 and 800 AD, as the Bible began to be mass-produced, punctuation was popularized along with it. In the 1400s, a huge shift came with the printing press, which spurred the need for a more unified punctuation system.
現職:國立師大附中英文科教師、TOEFL iBT ® Test專業發展工作坊講師
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