1. 澳洲大火
As catastrophic fires have burned more than two million acres in Australia, dozens of koalas have been rescued from smoldering trees and ashen ground. The animals are already as threatened species before these latest blazes ravaged a crucial habitat.
The plight of the koala—a national symbol of Australia—has raised questions among conservationists and scientists about what it will take to preserve biodiversity in a country increasingly prone to intense fire, extreme heat and water scarcity, and which already has among the highest rates of species extinction in the world.
2. 亞馬遜雨林大火
Since January 2019, staggering 121,000 fires have broken out across Brazil—and more than half of those fires are taking place in the Amazon. The fires are destroying the homes of indigenous tribes, threatening millions of animals, and even darkening the skies over major cities.
The fires in the Amazon are nearly all man-made. These fires are often deliberately set as part of slash-and-burn agriculture—a method of growing food in which farmers and cattle ranchers deliberately cut down and burn forestland to clear it for crops and livestock.
The abundance of life in Amazon is vital to the survival of human societies, providing everything from raw materials to functioning ecosystems.
The Amazon plays a crucial role in regulating the climate, with its trees absorbing and storing millions of tons of carbon dioxide—a key greenhouse gas that drives global climate change. Deforestation releases this trapped carbon into the atmosphere.
由於亞馬遜雨林能夠吸收並儲存數百萬噸以上的二氧化碳—— 二氧化碳是引發氣候變遷的關鍵溫室氣體,因此亞馬遜雨林在全球氣候調節扮演相當重要的角色。濫砍森林就會讓雨林吸收的二氧化碳釋放到大氣中。
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