相似詞 the feeling is not mutual/not on the same page
用到「一廂情願」的機會很多,所以可自由發揮,「wishful thinking」算是最工整的對應英文,可是不要被它所限,「It’s your wishful thinking」為「你愛怎麼想就怎麼想,事實並非如此」,只比「你在做夢」好一點,是比較殘酷的說法。而除非你很憤怒地說「別一廂情願了!」否則可以採用比較委婉的用詞。
有人認識一天就向你求婚,你雖然覺得莫名其妙,但仍有感於對方熱情,與其冷冰冰的說「It’s your wishful thinking.」,不如婉轉一些,說「I’m afraid the feeling is not mutual .(我並沒有這種感覺)」,或 「I’m afraid we’re not on the same page.」。在這種情境下,「not on the same page」其實就是指對方一廂情願,但說起來最不傷人,所以用在尷尬的男女關係上最適合。
雙方簽訂我情你不願的合約,有人會稱之「這是一廂情願的合約」, 請見第三例。
A two- year experience won’t qualify you as a project leader. Don’t let your wishful thinking mislead you.
It’s purely your wishful thinking that the world owes you a living. No, the world owes you nothing! Everything you own you have to earn it, and earn it hard.
This contract is full of wishful thinking. They have all the favorable terms while we have none. I certainly will not sign it.