Few people in this era live without any electronic devices.
The tiny device can accurately measure electric current.
John has become an electrical engineer.
不過「(發)電」的英文不是用electricity而是power,例如台電的全名就是Taiwan Power Company,以此類推,核電就是Nuclear Power。
South Korea has decided to increase the amount of nuclear power to 30% by 2030.
Detroit was a city full of automobile factories.
不過發電廠不用factory這個字,而是power plant,因此「水力發電廠」稱作hydroelectric power plant,「太陽能發電廠」則是solar power plant。
South Korea was involved in the construction of the United Arab Emirate’s first nuclear power plant.
The very first step South Korea will take is to restart construction on two nuclear reactors and extend the lives of operating ones.
There are huge global reactions to the tragic death of Japan’s former prime minister Abe.
The major goal is for nuclear power to make up for at least 30% of the country’s power generation by 2030, 3% higher from its previous goal.
片語make up有許多解釋,但都有「補充、補上」的含意。除了上述「補上、滿足」能源缺口的意思外,還有以下五個常見的重要解釋。
1. 化妝
More and more people believe that wearing no makeup is beneficial to your skin.
2. 補償
I’ll make it up to you.
3. 補考
I need to pass the make-up exam next week or I won’t be able to graduate.
4. 下定決心
I have made up my mind.
5. 構成成分
35 students made up the class.
南韓核能產業獲得提升,相對的,再生能源(renewable energy/resources)產業的版圖就會受到擠壓。目前多數國家使用的再生能源包含solar energy「太陽能」、wind energy「風力發電」、hydro energy「水力發電」、tidal energy「潮汐發電」、geothermal energy「地熱發電」、biomass energy「生質發電」。注意「能源」的英文是energy,但變成「發電」時就要使用power。
Taiwan is quite famous for its offshore wind power generation.
1. ________ the construction of nuclear power plant has led to controversies in and out of South Korea.
(A) Restart
(B) Restarting
(C) Restarts
(D) Restarted
2. South Korea has planned, ________, and executed.
(A) make up its mind
(B) to make up its mind
(C) making up its mind
(D) made up its mind
1. 正解為(B)。語意為「重啟核能電廠在南韓內外都引起了爭議。」助動詞has之前所組成的句子為主詞,動名詞作主詞的型態為Ving,故(B)為正確答案。
2. 正解為(D)。語意為「南韓已經計畫、下定決心並執行了。」本題要考對等連接時的動詞型態,因為空格前後都是使用過去式,因此要選擇同為過去式的made,故(D)為正確答案。
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