台灣三月瘋媽祖,又到了一年一度的媽祖遶境(pilgrimage)慶典,然而今年因為新冠病毒疫情,大甲鎮瀾宮已宣布將延期長達九天的媽祖出巡活動,就連520總統就職活動也暫停籌辦。同時間,全球各種大型盛事或活動也面臨同樣的問題,義大利威尼斯的面具嘉年華因疫情升高而提前結束,米蘭的時裝秀(Fashion show)也有部分採用直播方式進行。
這次疫情導致全球許多展覽不是延期就是取消,而展覽改期也造成ripple effects(漣漪效應),影響了飯店和旅遊業等,就讓我們趁機來複習有關延期與取消等多益關鍵字。
首先來看看各種活動的英文講法。媽祖遶境是一種宗教活動,比較精準的用詞是pilgrimage「朝聖之路;參拜之行」。當然可以用較廣義的festival「節日,節慶」來表示,相關的字有形容詞festive、名詞festivity「慶祝活動」,例如元宵節Lantern Festival,德國的啤酒節Oktoberfest等。除了festival外,也有嘉年華carnival,如巴西的Brazilian Carnival,威尼斯的Mask Festival/Carnival。
Chinese New Year is usually celebrated with a number of festivities such as lion dance.
很多嘉年華都會有歡慶的遊行活動,「遊行」的英文是parade (n),這和抗議遊行的「遊行;示威」demonstration (n)用字不同,demonstration除了示威遊行之外,另一個常用的意思是「展示」,常聽到的「demo」就是demonstration的縮詞,動詞為demonstrate。
Taiwan’s LGBT pride parade is held annually in October.
Protestors gathered to join the demonstrations against police brutality.
The instructor of this workshop will demonstrate how to use electrical tools properly and safely.
這次新冠肺炎除了大型活動外,許多展覽和會議也受到相當程度的影響。「展覽」英文可以用fair、exhibition、exposition、show來表示。exhibition、exposition (expo)、show比較偏向有商品或物件的展示,或者有business to business (B2B)、business to consumer (B2C)的買賣,所以博物館的展覽、畫展和商品展就常用exhibition、trade show。
而fair通常指人們聚集的地方,除了產品的買賣和展示外,還有比較娛樂、有趣的活動或表演,常用fair的情況如書展book fair、就業博覽會job fair、美國的夏日市集country fair等。
There’s a Picasso Exhibition at the art gallery this month.
Join our annual job fair on campus next Friday.
Remember to visit our competitors’ booths while you’re at the trade show.
Young children usually exhibit shyness when they are around strangers.
The museum has new exhibits from Egypt.
展覽取消可以用最簡單的cancel (v)或者call off,當然也可用比較活潑的方式如pull the plug。pull the plug字面上的意思是「拔掉插頭」,所以可以想見就是「停止」。而「延期」則可用postpone、delay、put off等詞表達,譬如英文諺語「Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.(今日事今日畢)」。注意,cancel、call off、pull the plug如果後面還要加動詞的話,需要用動名詞Ving的形式。
We had to postpone traveling to Korea due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus.
He decided to call off the press conference at the last minute.
不管是節慶的慶祝活動或展覽,這些都是人群聚集的地方,「聚集」在英文上可用gather (v)和assemble (v)。assemble尤其是多益重要單字,有兩個常用的意思,一是「聚集,集合」,名詞就是assembly,另一個是「組裝」(put together)。
The movie star came out and waved at the fans assembled outside the hotel.
To assemble this table, follow the steps illustrated in the manual.
convene也有集合的意思,但是比較指集合召開會議,所以常看到它的名詞形式convention「會議;集會」,例如會議中心也常用convention center。
The manager convened a meeting of his sale team to discuss the upcoming product launch.
1. The organizer decided to ﹍﹍﹍﹍ the exhibition until next month.
(A) put out
(B) put on
(C) put off
(D) call off
2. A lot of ﹍﹍﹍﹍ line workers were let go when they closed one of the factories.
(A) assemble
(B) assembly
(C) assembled
(D) assembling
1. 正解為(C)。本題為動詞片語題,所以要選符合題意的片語,(A)「撲滅;澆熄」、(B)「穿上,戴上」、(C)「延期」、(D)「取消」,本題題意是「主辦單位決定將展覽延期到下個月。」因此正確答案為(C)。
2. 正解為(B)。本題需要一個複合名詞 因此空格部分需用名詞assembly,所以正確答案是(B),assembly line是「包裝線;組裝線」。本題題意是「當他們關閉一個工廠,許多組裝線員工也被解僱了。」
文/徐碧霞 Valerie
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