

美國明尼蘇達州5月底發生了非裔男子佛洛依德(George Floyd)遭警察押頸致死的案件,促成Black Lives Matter(黑人的命也是命)維權運動。不僅民眾上街遊行抗議,Google、IBM和可口可樂等企業也透過不再使用「Blacklist」一詞、停止開發人臉辨識技術和不在社群媒體上投放廣告來聲援,今天就來看看國外的媒體如何談論這件事以及相關的多益英文吧!

單膝下跪 taking the knee

The NFL, which for the past four years has condemned players “taking the knee” to the national anthem in protest at racist killings, now acknowledges it was wrong.

● condemn (v.) 譴責;責備



● acknowledge (v.) 承認



群眾抗議 mass protests

From nationwide mass protests to a new national conversation about statues and history, from footballers and politicians taking the knee, to Yorkshire Tea telling a critic of Black Lives Matter “Please don’t buy our tea again”, public life seems irrevocably changed.

● mass protests (n.) 群眾抗議

這是個複合名詞,mass作名詞有大量的意思,如常見的mass production指的是量產。massive是它的形容詞變化,在字尾加上「-sive」改變詞性。


● irrevocably (adv.) 不可改變地



現象 phenomenon

Volatility and polarization are expressions of the same phenomenon: the detachment of politics from its traditional social moorings.

● volatility (n.) 動盪變化


● polarization (n.) 極端化


polarization可以從polar來記,polar來自於名詞pole,pole的意思是「極點」,比如north pole是北極(Arctic),south pole則是南極(Antarctica),polar便是它的形容詞變化,如polar bear就是北極熊的英文。

● phenomenon (n.) 現象



June 29th, 2019
Dear Mr. Lincoln
We are very sorry to hear that you have been experiencing problems with your new laptop.
While we do ask that our customers contact their dealer in the event of a problem, we recognize that, in your case, it would be impossible. Therefore, if you will carefully package the unit in its original carton and send it to us, our “doctors” will put it through an examination to determine the source of the problem.
If the problem turns out to be a minor adjustment, we shall make the repair and be sure to return the laptop to you within thirty days. If our determination is that the unit is defective, we will send you an immediate replacement.
Again, we are very sorry that you experienced this difficulty and wish to thank you for your patience and for purchasing our products.
Dennis Sayles
Green House Technology

1. If Mr. Lincoln sends his laptop on July 1st, when will Mr. Lincoln receive it by?
(A) July 28
(B) July 13
(C) July 30
(D) August 1

2. If the laptop has defects, what will Green House Technology do?
(A) Bringing it to a doctor
(B) Replacing it with new unit
(C) Contacting the dealer
(D) Purchasing a new laptop


1. 正解為(C)。這題問「如果Mr. Lincoln在7/1寄出他的筆電,最晚何時可以收到回覆的包裹?」在第三段裡談到「如果問題只是需要細微調整的話,我們將會確保於30天內修理好後並寄回給您。」因此應該選(C)。

2. 正解為(B)。這題問「如果電腦有瑕疵,綠屋科技公司會做什麼?」第三段同樣提到「如果我們的判定是電腦本身有瑕疵,那麼我們會立即寄回一個替代品。」因此要選(B)。這題考的是replace的動詞和名詞變化,原文用字尾加上「-ment」的名詞變化,選項則使用動詞replace,都是表達代替的意思。

文/Buffy Kao

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