Gaslighting has been a major feature of American civic life since 2016, but in 2020 it reached new heights of outlandishness, making many of us feel as if we’d been pushed to the other side of the looking glass.
● gaslight 煤氣燈操縱
至於用法的來源,文章中說明其來源於1944年由英格麗‧褒曼(Ingrid Bergman)主演的電影《Gas Light》。褒曼飾演的妻子親眼看到燈光閃爍、聽到樓上傳來的可疑腳步聲,但她的丈夫卻說服她沒有發生這樣的事,使她一步步受到孤立,慢慢開始相信自己精神失常。例句中的「Gaslighting」則是加上「-ing」變成動名詞的用法。
● outlandishness 奇異
對於未來的預測之中,在網站nature一篇文章《疫情在2021如何發展與延續》(How the pandemic might play out in 2021 and beyond)中作者對於未來的預測提到:
Early evidence suggests that personal behavioral changes, such as hand-washing and wearing masks, are persisting beyond strict lockdown, helping to stem the tide of infections.
● persist 堅持、持續
persist的用法是persist in後面加上受詞,「堅持做一樣事情」就可以用這個片語。persist用在這裡是為強調行為的持續性,insist on則是強硬的堅持,多用在意見和看法。因此前者非常強調僅管有很多困難,還是堅持下去的概念。名詞的變化是persistence,而persistent則是形容詞變化。
● stem 遏制
stem在這裡是動詞用法,作名詞的話意思是植物的莖,因此英文有個片語stem from,是「起源於」的意思,同義詞有originate from、come from、derive from,植物要有莖才能往上長,因此就有起源的意思。可是用在例句卻是另一個完全不同的意思──堵住、阻擋,也就是stop。
Toppo Travel, Inc.
Mr. Boyce Adams
424 Lenox St.
Orange, MA 01388
Dear Mr. Adams,
At the end of this year, Toppo Travel will celebrate its twentieth year as a successful operator in the leisure industry. With modern hotels, exciting itineraries, and beautiful locations, our all-inclusive, organized tours have remained the most popular in the industry for the past ten years. We have decided to include our most loyal customers in the celebration of our success.
Our records indicate that since you became a customer five years ago, you have booked six trips with us. We would therefore like to invite you to an evening of exotic fare and tropical sounds, which will be held on December 1 in the Grand Ballroom of the Panorama Hotel.
The buffet will consist of delicacies from the 16 countries that are featured in our catalog for the new season. Bands from Cuba, Mali, and Slovenia will lend an exuberant atmosphere to the event.
Enclosed please find two complimentary tickets for entry to this exclusive event.
Jim Bull
Director Customer Relations
Toppo Travel, Inc.
1. To what event has Mr. Adams been invited to?
(A) A hotel’s grand opening
(B) A retirement party
(C) An anniversary celebration
(D) An awards ceremony
2. What will the event feature?
(A) A slide show
(B) Ballroom dancing
(C) Exotic food
(D) A noted speaker
1. 正解為(C)。題目問說「Mr. Adams被邀請參加什麼樣的活動?」第一段第一句提到公司會「celebrate its twentieth year as a successful operator」(慶祝公司作為一個成功的經營者邁入了第20年),加上第二段中間提到「We would therefore like to invite you to an evening of exotic fare and tropical sounds」(因此我們希望邀請你來享受一個異國美食和熱帶音樂的夜晚),故答案應選(C)。第一句的20年就回應週年慶,而後面提到一個晚上的活動,這裡的celebration就實際指出一個慶祝活動。
2. 正解為(C)。第二題問「這場活動的特色為何?」這題從前面提到的第二段中間那句回答的很清楚,exotic fare和tropical sounds,fare當名詞有食物的意思,多益常見的用法是車費、船費等交通工具的費用。而sounds的意思是聲音,這裡可以延伸出音樂,因此得知活動中會提供異國食物和熱帶音樂讓參與者享受,因此答案要選(C) exotic food。不可選(B)是因為雖然文章有提到Grand Ballroom,但那是舉辦活動的地點名稱,而不是活動內容。
文/Buffy Kao
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