
TOEIC測驗的第三部份有十個題組的簡短對話(short conversation),每個題組都有三個問題,詢問所聽到的對話內容,這一大題的特色是:





Wh-問題 相關字詞


Where are they?
Where is the conversation probably taking place?
restaurant 餐廳
bank 銀行
hotel 飯店
theater 戲院


Wh-問題 相關字詞


What are the speakers?
Who most likely is the man/woman?
dentist 牙醫師
secretary 秘書
mechanic 技工
student 學生

這類問題要根據數個關鍵字來選擇正確答案,例如:當你聽到fare(車資)、transfer(轉車),以及next stop(下一站)時,正確答案可能是bus driver。但若只依據fare 這個字詞,可能會誤選travel agent 或taxi driver。

Wh-問題 相關字詞


What is going to happen?
What does the man/woman want to do?
booking a flight 訂機票
marketing products 行銷產品
making a presentation 做簡報


Wh-問題 相關字詞


What are the speakers discussing?
What does the man ask the woman about?
a meeting agenda 會議議程
a survey result 調查結果
new staff 新進員工

這類問題詢問的是對話概要,對話的主題可能是人(a person)、事物(a thing)或是活動(an activity)。


Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.

  1. What are the speakers discussing?
    (A) An award for innovation
    (B) A TV advertisement
    (C) A co-worker’s interview
    (D) A radio broadcast
  2. When will the broadcast take place?
    (A) On Monday
    (B) On Tuesday
    (C) On Wednesday
    (D) On Thursday
  3. What does the woman plan to do?
    (A) Watch the program.
    (B) Attend an interview.
    (C) Accept an award.
    (D) Learn more about the current affairs.


M: Jimmy just told me that Oscar Levitt will be on television next week. Did you hear anything about that?
W: Yeah, pretty exciting, huh? Apparently we were the only firm in the state to win the “National Award for Green Innovation” this year. Do you know when he’ll be on?
M: Jimmy says the TV5 crew will be here on Monday, but the interview won’t be broadcast until two days later. It’ll be on TV5’s current affairs program at 7 o’clock on Wednesday.
W: Thanks for letting me know. I’ll be sure to watch it when it airs.

1. (A)
2. (C)
3. (A)

文/溫宥基、張秀帆、TOEIC 900團隊