履歷(résumé)是求職者(candidate)的入場券,也是雇主對求職者的第一印象(first impression)。但要得到理想的工作,還是要經過面試這道關卡,面試時的表達是否清楚、得體,有條理地說明自己的工作經歷(work experience)與資歷(qualification),將自己有自信的一面呈現給面試官(interviewer),都是讓你加分的關鍵所在。
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From: Alex Herman To: WTC Corporation Subject: Sales representative position Dear Sir/Madam, I am interested in the position of sales representative. I completed my degree in business at Frier College. After college, I worked in Germany for a year. I’m currently working in the sales department of Thomas Industries. My first language is Spanish, but I’m also fluent in English and German. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Alex Herman 原文翻譯 寄件者:艾力克斯˙赫爾曼 收件者:WTC 企業 主旨:業務代表職務 (先生/女士)您好: 我對貴公司的業務代表的職位有興趣。我於Frier 大學完成我的商學學位。大學畢業後,在德國工作過一年,目前則在Thomas 產業的業務部工作。 我的母語是西班牙語,但我的英語和德語也相當流利。 我很期待能收到您的回覆。
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