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迎戰大學甄選》學會三招 讓你甄選英語力立即上手

迎戰大學甄選》學會三招 讓你甄選英語力立即上手

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無論是學測英文成績的提升、備審資料的撰寫,甚至是英語面試的準備,英語文能力都對大學甄選有極大的幫助。對不同階段的高中生來說,該如何全方位提升英語力,好在升大學的關鍵時刻有良好表現呢? 以備審資料來說,許多同學會事先考取多益英語測驗(TOEIC)等英語文能力檢定證照,以展現學習成果、符合大學招生條件或為自己加分。不過,該怎麼把這些資訊有條有理地放進備審資料,達到最好的效果,也是一門學問。 (閱讀全文...)


Dialogue C Introducing Yourself to Classmates S: Sabina K: Kevin F: Filip Sabina, Kevin, and Filip are chatting before class. K: Hi, I'm Kevin, from Taiwan. What's your name? F: My name is Filip. I'm from Croatia. I started here at ALCC around the same time as Sabina. K: Nice to meet you. What do you guys do in your free time? I'm new here, so I'm looking for things to do. S: Filip and I like to go hiking on the weekends. You should join us this weekend! K: Awesome! That's one of my favorite hobbies, so count me in. How about food? Do you guys usually eat in the cafeteria or go out at lunch? F: The cafeteria is all right, but my favorite place so far is the taco truck a block from campus. Have you ever had Mexican food? K: No, what's it like? S: It's the best! Let's go at ...