標籤: 國中會考



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★ 單字 both [boʊθ] 兩者都 (pron.) (國中基礎1200字) question [ˈkwes.tʃən] 問題 (n.)  (國中基礎1200字) paint [peɪnt] 繪畫 (v.)(國中基礎1200字) together [təˋgɛðɚ] 一起 (adv.)(國中基礎1200字) ★實用字詞 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 tools 工具 Good job. 很棒 Let's work hard together. 我們一起加油 During the Art Class 美術課 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Can you tell me/ how to be/ a great artist? 你可以告訴我如何成為一個很棒的藝術家嗎? 動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Could you teach me how to become an excellent engineer? 考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 What is the main idea of this conversation? How to be a great artist How to be a good math teacher According to the conversation, which is true? (A) Teacher Julia is an art teacher. (B) Teacher Julia is a math teacher. (C) Teacher Julia is a PE teacher.   解答: 動手做做看的解答


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★ 單字 summer [ˈsʌm.ɚ] 夏天 (n.)(國中基礎1200字) time [taɪm] 時間 (n.) (國中基礎1200字) money [ ˈmʌn.i] 金錢 (n.)(國中基礎1200字) ★實用字詞 Tokyo Tower 東京塔 Sensoji Temple 淺草寺 drop it 別再說了 Discuss Summer Travel with Mom  跟媽媽討論暑假旅行 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 We are Disney fans/ so we want to/ revisit the park /again and again. 我們是迪士尼的粉絲,所以我們才想一再重遊迪士尼。 動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 We are Jay Chou’s fans so we want to listen to his music over and over again. 考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 What is the main idea of this conversation? They are talking about summer vacation. They are talking about a test. According to the conversation, which is true? (A) Jennifer and Billy want to go to Australia this winter. (B) Jennifer and Billy want to go to revisit Disneyland. (C) Jennifer and Bil


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★ 單字 new [nuː] 新的 (adj.)(國中基礎1200字) welcome [ˈwel.kəm] 歡迎 (v.) (國中基礎1200字) join [dʒɔɪn] 加入 (v.)(國中基礎1200字) ★實用字詞 coworker 同事 department 部門 assistance 協助 specialty 專長 programming程式設計 Welcome a New Coworker歡迎新同事 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Please feel free to/ ask me/ if you have/ any questions. 如果你有任何問題都可以問我。 動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me. 考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 What is Nick’s specialty? (A) programming (B) computer graphics (C) complaining According to the conversation, which is true? (A) Nick is a new coworker. (B) Nick is disappointed. (C) Nick is planning to get married. 解答: ( A ) 2. ( A ) 動手做做看的解答 If you need/ any further information, /please feel free


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★ 單字 dentist [ˋdɛntɪst] 牙醫(n) (國中基礎1200字) dessert [dɪˋzɝt] 甜點(n) (國中基礎1200字) doughnut[ ˈdəʊˌnʌt ] 甜甜圈(n) (國中基礎1200字) drugstore [ˋdrʌg͵stor] 藥局(n) (國中基礎1200字) especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] 特別、尤其、格外(adv) (國中基礎1200字) fast food restaurant [ˋfæstˋfud] [ˋrɛstərənt] 速食餐廳(n) (國中基礎1200字)   ★實用字詞: toothache 牙齒痛 By the way順帶一提 I think so, too. 我也這樣認為 until 直到   have a toothache 牙痛 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 I forgot /how terrifying/ it was/ to visit the dentist/ last time. 動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 I forgot how terrifying it was to go to see a doctor last time.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 What happened to Maggie? (A)She had a fever. (B)She had a toothache. (C) She had a bad score in math.   According to the conversat


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★ 單字 court [ kort ]法庭、法院(n)(國中基礎1200字) slowly [ˋslolɪ]  緩慢地(國中基礎1200字) carefully [ˋkɛrfəlɪ] 小心翼翼地(國中基礎1200字) take [tek] 花費(國中基礎1200字) minute [ˋmɪnɪt] 分鐘(國中基礎1200字) credit card [ˋkrɛdɪt ͵kɑrd] 信用卡(n) (國中基礎1200字) ★實用字詞: I’d like to… 我想要… Where are you heading? 你要去哪裡? in a hurry 趕時間 pay with 使用…支付 take a taxi 搭計程車 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 The streets/ are heavy with traffic/ at this time/ of the day.   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 The supermarket is crowded with people at this time of the day.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 Where will the man heading? (A)   a movie theater (B)   a concert (C)   a court According to the conversation, which is true? (A) It’ll take about 10 minutes to the court. (B) The traffic is no


TOP NEWS, 銜接多益550
★ 單字 artist   [‘ɑrtɪst ] 藝術家(n) (國中基礎1200字) Tokyo [‘tokɪo] 東京(n)   (國中基礎1200字) temple [‘tɛmp!] 神殿、寺廟(n) (國中基礎1200字) perfect [ ‘pәːfikt ]完美的、完成的(adj)  使…完美(vt) (國中基礎1200字) actor ['æktɚ] 男演員(n) (國中基礎1200字) admire [əd’maɪr] 欽佩、讚賞(vt) (國中基礎1200字) ★實用字詞: How was...?  那…如何? I’ve heard that…… 我聽說… as well 也 During the lunch time. 午餐時間 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 I’ve heard that/ you came to many temples/ with your family. 我聽說/你去了許多寺廟/跟你的家人   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 I’ve heard that she visited a lot of museums with her classmates.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 Which city was Maison visited this summer? (A)Thailand (B)Tokyo (C)Australia According to the conversation, which is true? (A) Maison is an actor. (B) Maiso


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★ 單字 believe [bɪˋliv] (v.)相信(國中基礎1200字) mean [min](v.)表示...的意思 (國中基礎1200字) freshman [ˋfrɛʃmən](n.)一年級生(國中挑戰800字) dawn [dɔn](n.)黎明 (國中基礎1200字)   ★實用字詞: be like + N. 就像是... have/has + p.p. 到目前為止已經...[現在完成式] You bet! 那還用說!(表示贊同) look forward to + N/Ving 期待... You can say that again! 完全同意! can’t wait to + VR 等不及要去... 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Becoming a freshman/ in junior high school/ was like/ yesterday/ to me,/ but now /I’ve finished/ my first midterm exam! 成為國中/一年級新生/彷彿就像是/昨天的事/對我來說,/但是現在/我已經完成了/我的第一次期中考!   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Being elected as a class leader in the new semester was like a gift for me, and I’ve started to feel anxious!   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 Who are Bob and Amy? (A)Classmates. (B)Family members. (C)Father and daughter. Accord


★ 單字 club [klʌb] (n.)社團(國中基礎1200字) semester [səˈmes.tɚ](n.)學期 (國中基礎1200字) quite [kwaɪt](adv.)相當(國中基礎1200字) future [ˋfjutʃɚ](n.)未來 (國中基礎1200字)   ★實用字詞: be skilled at + N. 擅長於+N make 3-point shots 投三分球 try one’s best 盡最大的能力 How about…? 那...如何 as well 也 K-pop idol 南韓流行偶像   During the club time. 社團課時間   閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 I hope that/ I can dance/ as beautifully as/ my idol Lisa does/ in the near future. 我希望/我能跳舞跳得/一樣地優美如同/我的偶像Lisa跳的/在不久的將來。   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 I think that you need to work as hard as Betty does every day.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型   Which club is Barbie in? (A)School Basketball Team. (B)K-pop Dance Club. (C)Daydream Club.   According to the


★ 單字 diary (n.)[ˋdaɪərɪ] 日記 (國中挑戰800字) keep a diary 寫日記 secret [ˋsikrɪt](n.) 秘密 (國中挑戰800字) ★實用字詞: would love/like to + VR 想要... social media [ˋsoʃəl] [ˋmidɪə] 社群媒體 keep … to oneself 保留...給自己 prefer to + VR 比較喜歡... right away 立刻 go online 上網 keep an eye on… 留意... digital footprints 數位足跡 as well = also 也... 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 I prefer to/ write down/ everything I think of/ right away,/ and I don’t need to/ go online/ to do that. 我比較喜歡/寫下/所有我想到的事情/立即地,/而且我不想要/上網/去做這件事。   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 I would love to go to the movies with my family this Saturday, so I will have to finish my homework before that.   考題練習: What does Archer mean for his digital footprints? (A)His footwear. (B)His words on social media w


★ 單字 rule [rul] (n.) 規則 國中基礎1200字 respect [rɪˋspɛkt] (v.) 尊重/尊敬 國中挑戰800字 photo [ˋfoto] (n.) 照片 基礎1200字 video [ˋvɪdɪ͵o] (n.) 錄影 國中基礎1200字 treat [trit] (v.) 對待 國中基礎1200字 surf [sɝf] (v.) 在網路上搜索資料 國中基礎1200字   ★ 實用字詞 Go through 檢視/審視 Throw aside 扔到一邊 Make a full use 充分利用   The library teacher gives instructions to the students before using the library. 學生使用圖書館前,老師說明使用圖書館的規則 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Let me/go through/some of the library rules/with you. 讓我/和你一起/了解一下/圖書館的一些規則。       考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the instruction, how many rules are there for students to follow in the library? (A) three (B) four (C) five (D) six   According to the instruction, what is n