
★ 單字

  1. artist   [‘ɑrtɪst ] 藝術家(n) (國中基礎1200字)
  2. Tokyo [‘tokɪo] 東京(n)   (國中基礎1200字)
  3. temple [‘tɛmp!] 神殿、寺廟(n) (國中基礎1200字)
  4. perfect [ ‘pәːfikt ]完美的、完成的(adj)  使…完美(vt) (國中基礎1200字)
  5. actor [‘æktɚ] 男演員(n) (國中基礎1200字)
  6. admire [əd’maɪr] 欽佩、讚賞(vt) (國中基礎1200字)


  1. How was…?  那…如何?
  2. I’ve heard that…… 我聽說…
  3. as well 也

During the lunch time. 午餐時間


I’ve heard that/ you came to many temples/ with your family.




I’ve heard that she visited a lot of museums with her classmates.


考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型

  1. Which city was Maison visited this summer?




  1. According to the conversation, which is true?

(A) Maison is an actor.

(B) Maison’s mother is a teacher.

(C) Maison had a good time in Tokyo this summer.


解答: 1. (B) 2. (C)


I’ve heard that /she visited a lot of museums/ with her classmates.


TOEIC Bridge測驗夥伴學校

基隆市輔大聖心高中 羅雅苓 編寫