★ 單字
- rule [rul] (n.) 規則 國中基礎1200字
- respect [rɪˋspɛkt] (v.) 尊重/尊敬 國中挑戰800字
- photo [ˋfoto] (n.) 照片 基礎1200字
- video [ˋvɪdɪ͵o] (n.) 錄影 國中基礎1200字
- treat [trit] (v.) 對待 國中基礎1200字
- surf [sɝf] (v.) 在網路上搜索資料 國中基礎1200字
★ 實用字詞
Go through 檢視/審視
Throw aside 扔到一邊
Make a full use 充分利用
The library teacher gives instructions to the students before using the library.
Let me/go through/some of the library rules/with you.
考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型
- According to the instruction, how many rules are there for students to follow in the library?
(A) three
(B) four
(C) five
(D) six
- According to the instruction, what is not allowed to do in the library?
(A) do some homework
(B) find a book to read
(C) surf the internet
(D) eat or drink
解答:1. (C) 2. (D)
TOEIC Bridge測驗伙伴校
基隆市輔大聖心高中 李佩華 編寫