
★ 單字

  1. rule [rul] (n.) 規則 國中基礎1200字
  2. respect [rɪˋspɛkt] (v.) 尊重/尊敬 國中挑戰800字
  3. photo [ˋfoto] (n.) 照片 基礎1200字
  4. video [ˋvɪdɪ͵o] (n.) 錄影 國中基礎1200字
  5. treat [trit] (v.) 對待 國中基礎1200字
  6. surf [sɝf] (v.) 在網路上搜索資料 國中基礎1200字


★ 實用字詞

Go through 檢視/審視

Throw aside 扔到一邊

Make a full use 充分利用


The library teacher gives instructions to the students before using the library.



Let me/go through/some of the library rules/with you.





考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型

  1. According to the instruction, how many rules are there for students to follow in the library?

(A) three

(B) four

(C) five

(D) six


  1. According to the instruction, what is not allowed to do in the library?

(A) do some homework

(B) find a book to read

(C) surf the internet

(D) eat or drink


解答:1. (C) 2. (D)


TOEIC Bridge測驗伙伴校

基隆市輔大聖心高中 李佩華 編寫