防堵流行疾病,不少國家第一首選就是「隔離」(quarantine),以台灣為例, 中央流行疫情指揮中心就發布規定:The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced a new policy requiring travelers returning to Taiwan to observe a 14-day home quarantine starting March 19.(2020年3月19日起所有自外國入境的民眾皆須配合居家檢疫14天)。更因隔離手段奏效,攔下不少險釀成疾病大流行的無症狀案例,如原定預計本月在台巡演的莫斯科古典芭蕾舞團,在檢疫期間出現確診個案。根據這個熱門且重要的政策標題,詩綺老師想深入介紹三個英文單字:
1. policy (n.) 政策、方針
一般說policy on something或policy regarding something是指「關於⋯⋯方面的政策」。可使用以下問句:What is the party’s policy on / regarding welfare?(政黨的福利政策是什麼?)
通常我們期待政策前後一致,是一貫的方針a constant policy,而不是反覆無常、搖擺不定的政策a seesaw policy。
政策也要能夠獲得民眾支持,從發展develop/ formulate / shape a policy、制定establish /formulate / set a policy、提出introduce a policy、執行implement / carry out a policy, 到修改modify a policy、甚或改變政策reverse a policy,都得謹慎小心,以免變成民眾心中的高壓政策a high-handed policy。
2. observe (v.) 遵守、順從(法律等); 保持
若 observe後面接法規或傳統等字眼,這個字就不是「觀察、察覺」的意思,而是指「遵守、奉行」之意。例如observe the traffic rules(遵守交通規則)、observe good manners(遵守禮儀)。
3. quarantine (v.) (n.) 隔離、檢疫
這個字的字源源自14世紀歐洲黑死病--鼠疫(plague)大流行時,為了防疫,從義大利開始,政府要求所有船隻必須在海上停留40天,確定無人感染瘟疫,才能讓船隻靠岸。而義大利文的40天quaranta giorni ,就成為今日「防疫隔離」(quarantine)的字源。一起來看看有關檢疫隔離的起源:
Starting in 1343, the disease wiped out an estimated one-third of Europe’s population during a particularly nasty period of three years between 1347-50. This sweep of the plague resulted in one of the biggest die-offs in human history—and it was an impetus to take action.
In 1377, the Great Council passed a law establishing a trentino, or a 30-day period of isolation for ships arriving from plague-affected areas. Later, the isolation period was extended from 30 days to 40 days, thus changing the name trentino to quarantino, a term derived from the Italian word quaranta, which means “forty.
The precise rationale for changing the isolation period from 30 days to 40 days is not known. Some experts suggest that it was changed because the shorter period was insufficient to prevent disease spread. Although the underlying rationale for changing the duration of isolation may never be known, the fundamental concept embodied in the quarantino has survived and is the basis for the modern practice of quarantine.
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