1.“Everything is always working out for me."――Oprah Winfrey at Colorado College
首先第一位是在美國家喻戶曉的黑人脫口秀天后歐普拉(Oprah Winfrey),今年在科羅拉多大學的致詞,她告訴畢業生說,面對走出校園的新人生,「每件事都能化險為夷」(Everything is always working out for me)。
例‘Everything is always working out for me.’ That’s my mantra. Make it yours.‘Everything is always working out for me.’Because it is. And it has. And it will continue to be as you forge and discover your own path.” (對我來說,「每件事總能化險為夷」,這口號我深信不疑。你們也該這樣。「每件事總能化險為夷」,因為它就是這樣,一直是如此,當你們未來在打造與發掘人生之路時,也是如此。)
另外,歐普拉還提醒年輕人,每件小事都是成就大事的重要基礎。她說:“I’m here to tell you that you actually do get to transform the world every day by your actions,” Winfrey told the crowd. “Small steps lead to big accomplishments.”(我要告訴

2.“Take the good with the bad." ――Dr. Ken Jeong at UNC Greensboro
接著詩綺老師要介紹的第二位,是在美國很受歡迎的亞裔喜劇演員,很多電影裡頭的出名「綠葉」──鄭肯(Ken Jeong),真實生活裡他可是一名執業的內科醫師。今年他在北卡羅來納大學Greensboro 分校的畢業致詞,巧妙用了他自己在演藝事業的體會作為譬喻,鼓勵青年學子若人生如戲,要能勇敢面對幕幕轉折。
例“You guys are all at the start of your story, of your film. And you guys are finishing up Act One of your film and your story. Just asking you guys an open-ended question: what is your Act Two? Everyone here has a different timeline. Everyone here has a unique story. Figure out what your Act Two is and embrace the change, embrace the twists and the unexpected turns.”(你們的人生才正要開始。人生如戲,如今第一幕已經落下帷幕,何不問問自己,你的第二幕該是怎樣的內容?這裡的每個人都有獨一無二的人生規畫和生活劇本。去了解你的第二幕該如何上演,無需懼怕改變,接受曲折與意想不到的轉折。)
“They’ll be good and they’ll be bad, but embrace that. There’s always downsides to every journey, but because of my education, I have this core stability that makes me unshakeable no matter what happens. I’m also able to take the good with the bad.”(故事會有好的一面,也會有壞的一面,但就是去接受它。每段旅程都有下坡,但因為我所受的教育讓我有穩定的核心信念,我知道無論發生什麼事都不會輕易動搖,生命有好有壞我都處之泰然。)
3.“Education is deeply important to our growth as people and as a community"――Sonia Sotomayor at Manhattan College
最後一位詩綺老師要介紹的是美國最高法院的大法官Sonia Sotomayor。她在2009年獲得參議院以68票贊成、31票反對,通過任命成為美國聯邦最高法院法官,她也是美國最高法院第一位拉丁裔法官,與第三位女性法官。今年她在曼哈頓大學的演講,用她從窮苦環境的出身,闡述教育能帶給學子夢想實踐的重要性。
例“Education has a more important value than money. It is deeply important to our growth as people and as a community. I am often asked if I ever imagined as a child being on the Supreme Court, the highest court in the United States.”(教育的價值比金錢還更重要。教育對人民跟社區的成長都是非常重要的。經常有人問我,我小時候是否想像過自己在美國最高法院工作。)
“When I was a child, my family was poor. No lawyer or judges lived in my neighborhood. I knew nothing about the Supreme Court… You cannot dream of becoming something you do not know about. You have to learn to dream big. Education exposes you to what the world has to offer, to the possibilities open to you.”(當我還是個孩子時,家裡當時非常窮。我家附近鄰居也沒有人是律師或法官。我對最高法院一無所知。你不可能夢想成為你不了解的東西。但是你必須學會有遠大的夢想。教育使你接觸到這個世界的所有東西,包括那些你接觸不到的。)
更多精彩的2019年畢業典禮名人致詞, 請看以下三個雜誌的專欄介紹:《TIME》、《People》、《Forbes》。
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