做個了結 to put an end/stop to (something)

(Photo by Ann H from Pexels)


相似詞 bring (something) to a conclusion
搭配詞 event / behavior / once and for all


To put an end/stop to(something)做個了結,直譯是「把一個結束/停止放到(什麼地方)」。這是一句很簡單的片語,沒有超過 4 個字母的字。而且重點字 put 也很明顯,標誌出此片語的主動性。做個了結這個片語無論中英文,都是很主動的,不像是 expire(過期)、give up(放棄)、let go(放手)之類的被動性結束。可想而知,會讓人想主動做個了結的事情,一定不是什麼好事。多半是早該結束,根本不該發生,卻因種種緣故拖了很久(dragged on)等頗具有負能量的事情。

然而如果會用的話,這句話卻可以是一句強而有力的號召。非營利機構(non-profit organization) 的標語中經常出現:Put an end to hunger! Put an end to drunk driving!(消滅飢餓!終結酒駕!)如果想更強烈的表達了結的決心,除了在這個片語前面加上:really, truly, 這種不太有力的詞以外,還可以在後面加上 once and for all(徹底),徹底做個了結。

相對來說,bring (something) to a conclusion 雖然也有一件事情進行到尾聲的意思,但卻非常中性,也不那麼強有力,適合用在平鋪直述的場合。


Rachael 搬出那個家之後,終於結束了歷時 10 年左右的手足紛爭。
By moving out of the house, Rachael finally put an end to the decade long fighting between the siblings.

The government is making an all-out effort to put an end to its infamous internal corruption, but the long term effectiveness remains questionable.

Sarah decided to move out of the country and put an end to her tumultuous relationship with Joe once and for all.