相似詞 of course / please do / absolutely / certainly
By all means(當然好)、by any means(不擇手段)、by no means(絕對不)、可看成長得差不多,但個性很不一樣的三兄弟,而這三者都是英語裡經常用到的超實用片語。今天先來看看 by all means 的用法。
By all means和 of course 雖然中文都可解釋成『當然』,但這兩個片語的用法還是略有不同。首先of course 有點理所當然的味道。
如果有半熟不熟的朋友問你:晚上要不要來我家吃飯?「Would you like to come by for dinner tonight?」你想去,也想讓朋友知道你很願意去,這時候要用:「By all means I would love to go! Should I bring over anything?」當然當然,需不需要我帶什麼過去?
這樣的情況下,「certainly!」「absolutely!」反而比「of course」更適合用來應對。如果你用的是:「Of course!」在別人聽起來你的口吻像是在說:「那當然了!」感覺就像別人欠了你一頓飯似的,不怎麼禮貌。
另外,by all means 也可當成「請儘管(做某件事),不要猶豫」來用。「如果你有其他的想法,by all means share with us! 請儘管跟我們說。」
「我可以上樓去四處看看嗎?」「當然可以! 請自便!」
“Can I go upstairs and look around?” “By all means! Feel free!”
If you need water or anything else, by all means help yourself!
If there is anything else you can think of that may help this case, by all means give us a call any time.