推論 surmise

(Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels)


相似詞 guess / infer / suspect / speculate


在日常對話中,隨處可見「I guess…」、「My guess is that…」,然而在閱讀,寫作,論文或是正式場合裡,guess 這個字卻不登大雅之堂,原因是「guess」這個字沒準,可能是好好猜,也可能亂猜,這時如用 surmise 來取代,就有事有所本,審慎推論的意味。另外,surmise 主要用在與陳述者有一定心理距離的事情上,如「The paper surmised the primary cause of the plane crash. (此篇報告推論了空難主要原因。)」,或「From what he said, I can only surmise he is having financial difficulties.(從他所說的來看,我只能推論他有財務麻煩。)」



It is my surmise that the San Francisco Giants will once again win the World Series.

As far as the real reason behind Princess Diana’s untimely death, we can only speculate. But the general surmise rules out the possibility of a conspiracy.

After much speculation, the paleontologists surmised that feathers first evolved to assist in thermal-regulation.