相似詞 heir
搭配詞 pick / find / appoint / choose
Succeed除了「成功」這個最常見的意思之外,還可以指「接班」、「後繼」的意思,所以succeeding generations是指「後代」、succeeding months指「隨後的幾個月」,而successor則指「接班人」,而非成功的人。
接什麼人的班,介系詞用to,接什麼職位的班,介系詞用as,用熟這兩個介系詞,就能「接班」自如了。相似字heir和successor 有些不同,heir偏重「血統、財產或頭銜」的繼承,譬如「Lisa Marie is the only heir to Elvis Presley’s fortune. (麗莎‧瑪麗是貓王財產的唯一繼承人。)」,successor偏重於「能力、工作、職位、任務」等,譬如the successor to commanding the military則為「統御軍隊的接班人」。
簡單的說,要當successor,必須具備相當的能力、條件,而要做heir,不需特別條件,只要血統純正就好。相反詞是predecessor(前任者),因此「前無古人後無來者」,可簡單說成「No predecessors, no successors.」
Who would be the successor to Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, had been a hot topic.
Jack has been widely regarded as the likely successor to the outgoing chairman.
For a multi-billion dollar company, it’s never too early to appoint a successor in order to reduce power struggles under the table.