相似詞 following work, subsequent development
搭配詞 movie, literary work
當一部文學作品或電影成功後,打鐵趁熱推出續集,往往是商業好主意。續集一部接一部,成就了橫越媒體、遊戲、玩具、服裝、旅遊、展覽的大型企業,好萊塢在這方面可謂獨步全球,超人(Superman)、侏儸記公園(Jurassic Park)、星際爭霸戰(Star Trek),乃至星際大戰(Star Wars)都是有名的影視連鎖產業(movie franchise enterprise)。和續集相反的是前傳(prequel),如魔戒、蝙蝠俠都有前傳系列作品。
The fans have been waiting for the sequel for years. The long waiting line shows it.
Director Ang Lee wisely chose not to produce a sequel to Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, which received universal acclaims and was a box office success.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a sequel to its first three episodes: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.