政績 performance (in office)

(Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels)

名詞 (選舉用語)

相似詞 effectiveness, competence, accomplishment
搭配詞 rating, review, debate, good, bad


Performance(績效)可用在任何人、任何事上,只要把主詞設定在官員上,那就是談政績了(in office可加或不加)。如寫成「political performance」反而不對,這是指在政治操作上的表現。

總統或官員上任一段時間,智庫(think tank)、媒體(media)、民意調查(poll) 會就其政績或褒或貶或辯論,作為下次選舉的參考。政績的考察(review)大致上可分為四部份:一、效率(effectiveness):溝通不良、公文堆積,都是無效率表現。二、能力(competence):很快找到解決方案,並如期執行的能力。三、技巧(skills):如人際關係的技巧就非常重要。四、願景(vision):如無遠大願景,政績就無法遠大。


The minister has lost favor in recent years due to his poor performance in office.

His performance in office is often criticized as dull and ineffective.

政績滿意度只有20% 意謂著什麼?那是說一百人中有八十人認為首相沒把份內工作做好。
What does a performance rating of 20% tell us? It means that 80 out of 100 people disapprove of how well the prime minister does his job.