相似詞 bad luck / curse / disaster
搭配詞 the misfortune of…
人生大大小小的厄運,不知凡幾,人有厄運,必嘆之、咒之,所以產生豐富的辭彙,譬如:厄運當頭(looming disaster)、屋漏偏逢連夜雨(It never rains but it pours.)、晴天霹靂(like a bolt from the sky)、命運多舛(star-crossed)、衰啊!(It shouldn’t happen to a dog. 直譯「連狗都不該受到這種待遇」)。
我在最高點買進蘋果股票, 今天收盤價是六個月新低,真倒楣!
I bought Apple shares at its peak. Today it closed at a six-month low, what a misfortune!
Fortune or misfortune, I’m going to marry him!
To put an end to the family misfortunes, Jerry, a Buddhist, built a temple wishing a turn to the better.