相似詞 counterfeit / replica
搭配詞 handbag / electronics / software / merchandise
「knockoff」的原意是劣質的仿冒品,和「山寨」的意思更契合。knockoff 與正品(authentic goods) 的混戰從東亞打到歐美,從服飾皮包到電器軟體,價格可差十倍。仿造的水準也從數十年前的清一色劣質仿品,進階到如今的頂級精仿(high-end replica)。
地鐵出口旁的小攤位、跳蚤市場(flea market),甚至精品店(boutique),各種等級的knockoff任君挑選。有時精仿與正品連專櫃銷售員都分不清,更不用說一般消費者。
拿皮包來說,正品名牌包(designer brand)賣五萬,knockoff只要三千,差別在哪裡?面料與表層塗漆(material and surface coating)、車縫的平整與數量(evenness and number of stitches)、五金的重量與樣式(weight and style of hardware)、內襯的布料與紋路(fabric and pattern of lining)、甚至拉鍊(zipper)、流蘇(tassel)、防塵袋(dust bag), 樣樣有講究,處處有玄機,就待消費者睜大眼睛仔細瞧了。
If you bought this handbag from the stand outside the subway station, it’s probably a knockoff.
A high-end replica watch is still a knockoff. I wouldn’t recommend buying it.
My phone died after only one year. It must have been a knockoff or a defect or something.