
(Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels)


相似字 interpretation, portrayal
搭配詞 形容詞 + description, job description


說到工作說明書(job description),很多人就會想到寫滿了枯燥無味的指令和規範的厚重報告,其實工作內容也可以用幽默又具體的方式表達;美國有個網站就票選出幾個最好笑的工作說明,你猜得出是哪一種工作嗎?「Help people hate each other.(幫助人們憎恨彼此)」,「Talk in other people’s sleep.(在別人的夢境裡說話)」,「Spend most of the day looking out the window.(每天花費大部份的時間望著窗外)」;以上的工作分別是離婚律師、大學教授、及飛行員。


‘Like a fish out of water’ was an apt description of how I felt in my new job.

A detailed description of what was expected was given to all recruits before they went into training.

The job description mentions that the job will require extensive training before actually being able to go out into the field.