陳年舊事 ancient history

(Photo by Rachel Claire from Pexels)


相似詞 old story, repeated tale


人們聊天時,免不了談點陳年舊事,或者「白頭宮女話當年」,這些詞都可用ancient history表達。

以歷史學來看,ancient history是指西元前數千年時光,在西方是蘇美文化、古希臘羅馬時期,中國指夏商周時代,即有正式文字記載之前的歷史。所以在不談歷史學時用到這個詞,就有揶揄意味,如「都是上古時代的故事啦!還一講再講嗎?」。

名人講陳年舊事,可以寫回憶錄(memoir),大賺一筆,普通人講陳年舊事,就要小心,免得聽眾覺得「It’s a good story, but it’s ancient history.」用到ancient history時,就已有不耐煩的意味。


Don’t give me that ancient history again. It’s about time that you leave the whole thing behind.

Peter is talking about his exciting sea voyage, but it’s ancient history.

“What is daddy talking about?”
“What else? The ancient history of what a miserable childhood he had and how lucky we have been.”