相似詞 had it coming, by irina slutsky
首先,這句片語裡的 one’s, 會根據主詞而成為my, your, his/her, their, our等。 我這不是造孽嗎?「I am digging my own grave!」 她造孽,「She is digging her own grave.」
這句片語有趣處是它的中文應用,除「造孽」外,從「活該」、「自找麻煩」,到「自掘墳墓」、「自作孽,不可活」或「自取滅亡」都可以,口氣可詼諧、可嚴重。我們同時用另一個很口語的「had it coming」來練習代換使用。
I know I shouldn’t fall in love with him, I’m probably digging my own grave, but I can’t help it.
The suspects had it coming the moment they started plotting the bombing.
Come on, he must know he was digging his own grave! His job was helping the Russian mob launder cash!