見機行事 act accordingly

(Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels)


相似詞 play by ear /flexible


「見機行事」含義很豐富,也很含糊,此「機」可以是時機、機會、機運、或「天機」,總之,即所謂的天時、地利、人和,那麼該用哪個英文字呢?你可以花腦筋去想「timeliness(合時機)」,「opportunity(機會)」,「occasion(場合)」,「discretion(審慎判斷)」這些字,也可以不要那麼麻煩,簡簡單單的「act accordingly」已完全可達意。因為不講明「according to what? 」所以也就包含了所有的情況。

「見機行事」的意思就是不事先計劃,到時候再看,這時「play by ear」也很恰當,譬如演講不準備演講稿,到時「play by ear」,即興發揮一番。舉辦宴會無法掌握人數,到時怎麼安排座位也只有「play by ear」到時再說了。在某些時候,用「flexible」一個字也可表達「用機行事」。

反過來說,「act accordingly」、「play by ear」也可映對一些有趣的中國成語,如「該怎麼著就怎麼著」,「兵來將擋,水來土淹」。


I don’t have any clue as to what’ll happen next, so just act accordingly.

In an event that promises so many uncertainties, acting accordingly could be the only option.

I can’t tell you how to explain to the angry passengers who have been stranded for six hours. Be flexible is all I can say.