

TOP NEWS, 銜接多益550
★ 單字 give back [gɪv  ˈbæk ](v.) 歸還 (國中基礎1200字) finish [fɪnɪʃ] (v.) 完成 (國中基礎1200字) ★實用字詞: borrow …from… 從...借用... borrow (v.) 借用 How many Ns…? 多少[可數名詞]...? many + 可數複數名詞 much + 不可數名詞 as soon as possible 盡快 In the Admin Office. 在行政辦公室裡。 Some students want to borrow iPads for the next period. 學生們下一堂課想要借用iPad。 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 And/ don’t forget to/ give back/ the iPads/ as soon as possible/ when/ you/ finish/ your class. 然後/ 不要忘記/ 還回/ 平板/ 儘快地/ 當/ 你/ 完成/ 課堂時。   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Please remember to finish the homework as soon as possible when you arrive home.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the conversation, what may be the word in the ________? (A)are (B)will (C)want (D)can According to the con


TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 文章, 時事
Photo courtesy of 123rf 社會新鮮人進入職場前會規劃旅遊增廣見聞,體驗各地的景點和風土文化,有些會進入實習,或去國外打工度假,還有些高中畢業生在思考是否就業一年後再繼續學業。社會新鮮人在過渡期提升自我,本期也依這個主題來學TOEIC英文,一起提升自我吧! 【閱讀精選】 After the commencement ceremony, college-bound students have opportunities to engage in a variety of summer activities. One option is getting an internship, which provides valuable hands-on experience and allows them to network with industry professionals. Alternatively, students can also volunteer at charities, where they can contribute to meaningful causes. Lastly, some students might choose to take a gap year to gain some practical work experience and develop new professional skills. commencement  開始 動詞為「commence」代表 「開始」,畢業後開始面對下個階段或未來,故 graduation為「畢業」, 而「畢業典禮」通常會用「 commencement ceremony」。 注意另外多益高頻單字commerce 「商業」,拼法和發音都類似易混淆。


TOP NEWS, 銜接多益550
★ 單字 uniform [júːnəfɔ̀rm] (n.)制服  (國中基礎1200字) tie  [tái] (n.)領帶  (國中基礎1200字) belt  [bɛlt] (n.)皮帶  (國中基礎1200字) blame [blem] (v.)責怪  (國中挑戰800字) fault   [fɔlt] (n.)錯誤  (國中挑戰800字) ★ 實用字詞 in the … way 以...的方式 too… 太... look like 看起來像 Stop Ving 停止做... be angry/mad at sb. 對...生氣 fight with… 跟...吵架/打架 Before heading for the weekly assembly in the Meeting Hall. 去禮堂集合進行週會前。 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Stop/talking/and/blaming/each other. 停止/說話/以及/責怪/彼此。   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Remember to bring your books and your pencil bag.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the conversation, what may it be in the third sentence? (A)his tie (B)his belt (C)her skirt (D)her appearance According to the conversation, which is true? (A)T


TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 學習專欄, 文章, 時事
因應AI產業誕生不少前所未有的新形態工作,科技公司積極擴大徵才,希望可以快速招募理想人才。本次從人工智慧的指令工程師求職廣告來學TOEIC英文。 PromptEngineer Wanted! Are you a tech wizard with a knack for NLP and AI? Join our dynamic team as a PromptEngineer! You'll bring life to our AI solutions, architecting and refining dialogue models to engage users, while pushing the boundaries of conversational AI. Key Skills: Strong Python proficiency Hands-on experience with Machine Learning, specifically NLP Deep understanding of GPT architectures Experience with AI ethics and safety guidelines   Why Join Us? Work with cutting-edge AI tech Collaborative and innovative team Excellent growth and learning opportunities   Unleash your creativity, employ your technical prowess, and make a real-world impact. A
多益英語好流暢 「會議主持」我最棒

多益英語好流暢 「會議主持」我最棒

0-未分類, TOP NEWS, 多益攻略, 學習專欄
“When you go to meetings or auditions and you fail to prepare, prepare to fail. It is simple but true.”~ Paula Abdul 當你毫無準備的去參加會議或試鏡,你只好準備接受失敗吧。事實就是如此簡單明瞭。~寶拉阿巴杜(歌手)   許多職場人士經常都需要開會,但要如何在會議中展現專業的一面呢?就讓我們來看看會議流程中有哪些常見的英文字,學起來不但日後在會議可以派上用場,還可以多掌握幾個 TOEIC 關鍵字!   流程與計畫 一個有效率的會議都經過安排和計畫,如果沒有計畫的會議則會演變成漫無目的的討論,很可能最後只是浪費時間而且毫無收穫。因此一般來說會議通常會有事先排定的流程與計畫(agenda),而agenda或許有些不同,但大致上都會有基本資訊如日期(date / time),地點(venue),參與者等。AOB指的是Any Other Business的意思,也就是「其他事項」,通常會列於所有討論項目的最後。 參與者可用attendees或participants,其中主席可在名字後面加上(chair或chairperson)的字樣來表示。另外,Apologies在這裡不是道歉的意思,這一欄通常是列出缺席的人名。而objective這個字在這裡的意思為「目的」,代替了名詞purpose。此外,objective也可當作形容詞,作為「公正的,客觀的」解釋,相反則是subjective, biased。 例如: Our writing teacher tried to be objective and impartial. (我們寫作老師試著公正客觀。) The mana