作者: nancychang

生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】酷暑難過的真相

生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】酷暑難過的真相

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★ 單字 record [ˈrek.ɚd ] n. 記錄(國中基礎1200字) responsible [rɪˈspɑːn.sə.bəl] adj. 有責任的(國中基礎1200字)   ★ 實用字詞 reassert (v.) 重申 climate change (n.)氣候變遷 global (adj.) 全球的 閱讀技巧:找出文章中的Signpost(標示語),以利閱讀。 First, the average global temperature and the sea surface temperature are higher than before.  Second, there is more ice losing in Antarctic sea. (第一,全球均溫和海洋表面溫度皆比以往高。第二,更多南極區的冰正在消失。)   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型         Why is the temperature in summer getting higher? (A) Climate change. (B) Extreme weather. (C) Wildfires. Which of the following is NOT the evidence of climate change? (A) The higher sea surface temperature. (B) The losing ice in Antarctic area. (C) The lower average global temperat
生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】中元節

生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】中元節

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★ 單字 festival [fes.tə.vəl ] n. 節日(國中基礎1200字) spirit [ˈspɪr.ət] n. 精神; 靈魂;心靈(國中進階2000字) respect [rɪˈspekt] n. v. 尊敬;尊重(國中基礎1200字) ★ 實用字詞 ritual (n.) 儀式 deceased (adj.) 去世的 scapegoat (n.) 代罪羔羊;替死鬼 閱讀技巧:找出文章中的名詞子句(that S + V),以利閱讀。 Chinese believe that the gate of hell opens on the first day of the month… (中國人相信地獄門在此月第一天打開…)   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 When is the Ghost Festival? (A) On the first day of the seventh month. (B) On the fifteenth day of the seventh month. (C) On the last day of the seventh month. What do Chinese people do to celebrate the Ghost Festival? (A) Release sky lanterns. (B) Set off fireworks. (C) Prepare food offerings. What CAN’T people do during the Ghost month? (A) Go swimming.


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★ 單字 delicious [dɪˈlɪʃ.əs ] adj. 美味的(國中基礎1200字) experience [ɪkˈspɪr.i.əns] v. 經歷(國中基礎1200字) ★ 實用字詞 famine (n.) 飢荒 precious (adj.) 珍貴的 suffer (v.) 受苦;受難   The two junior high school students are talking about “The 12-Hour Famine” activity. 2個國中生正在討論「感飢十二」活動。 閱讀技巧:找出長句中的主要主詞和動詞,以利閱讀。 Thanks to the activity, I realize (S + V) how precious the food is. 多虧了此活動,我明白食物有多珍貴。   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 What are the students talking about? (A) A game. (B) A subject. (C) An activity.   What did the student do during The 12-Hour Famine activity? (A) Having dinner with their family. (B) Not having food. (C) Playing games.   Based on the reading, what can we refer to? (A) Dora didn’t join the activi
4個字 搞定職缺工作敘述

4個字 搞定職缺工作敘述

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企業在徵才時,首先會從履歷來判斷是否要和對方進行第二關面試,因此履歷的好壞決定求職的成敗。本次介紹4個用來描述工作內容的英文動詞,能為履歷及面試大大加分,同時也是TOEIC測驗的常考單字。 We are seeking a motivated Sales Manager to drive sales growth. As a Sales Manager, you’ll implement effective sales strategies, coordinate sales activities, supervise operations, and evaluate performance. Responsibilities include setting sales targets, mentoring the team, analyzing market trends, etc. (我們正在尋找一位主動積極的業務經理來推動我們業績成長。擔任業務經理需要有效執行銷售策略,協調銷售活動,管理任務的執行,並評估銷售表現,詳細的職務責任包含設定銷售目標,輔導帶領團隊,分析市場趨勢等。)   coordinate 協調 coordinate當動詞解釋為「協調、相互配合」,由字首「co- 」可判斷出有together、with「相互一起」的意思,coordinate經常搭配與活動或任務相關的名詞,例如activity、efforts、campaign、work、operation,甚至負面的單字attack「攻擊」也可以和coordinate做搭配。若要形容一個人負責協調或整合的工作,那就是一位coordinator「協調者」。 The event planner coordinated all the logistics, incl


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★ 單字 fan  [fæn] (n.) 粉絲  國中基礎1200字 club 〔 klʌb 〕 (n.) 社團 國中基礎1200字 experience [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns] (n.)  國中基礎1200字 beginning  [bɪˈgɪnɪŋ](n.) 開始  國中基礎1200字 beginner [bɪˈgɪnɚ].(n.) 初學者 ★ 實用字詞 whether A or B 無論是A還是B No+ N. is required. 不需要... Let’s VR. 讓我們一起...吧! There’s an announcement on the bulletin board. 公佈欄上有一張告示。 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Whether/ you're /a beginner/ or /know some steps,/ all students/ are welcome. 無論/你是/一位初學者/或者/知道一些舞步,/所有學生/都歡迎。   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Whether the weather is sunny or rainy, everyone will be happy. 考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 1.Which K-pop dance club is looking for new members? (A) TWICE Dance Club (B) Blackpink Dance Club (C) BTS Dance Club (D) K-pop Dance Club 2.When is the first meeting of the K-pop Dan


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★ 單字 special [ ˈspɛʃəl] (adj.) 特別的  國中基礎1200字 human[ˈhjumən] (adj.)人類的  國中挑戰800字 culture [ˈkʌlʧɚ]  (n.) 文化  國中挑戰800字 discuss[dɪˈskʌs]  (v.) 討論  國中挑戰800字 flight[ˈflaɪt](n.)班機  國中挑戰800字 ★ 實用字詞 How about + N/Ving…?  (提議)那…如何? used to+ VR 曾經… be fond of 喜歡 known for 因爲...而有名   After the school year ended on June 30, Amanda asked her best friend Sharon if she would love to go out with her. 6月30日期末後,Amanda邀好友Sharon一同出遊。 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 I heard that/ there used to be/ a political prison/ there/ but now changed into/a Human Rights Culture Park! 我聽說/曾經有/一個政治犯監獄/在那裡/但現在變成/人權文化公園!   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 She said that there once was a famous cinema here but now switched to a theme park!   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the conver


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★ 單字 give back [gɪv  ˈbæk ](v.) 歸還 (國中基礎1200字) finish [fɪnɪʃ] (v.) 完成 (國中基礎1200字) ★實用字詞: borrow …from… 從...借用... borrow (v.) 借用 How many Ns…? 多少[可數名詞]...? many + 可數複數名詞 much + 不可數名詞 as soon as possible 盡快 In the Admin Office. 在行政辦公室裡。 Some students want to borrow iPads for the next period. 學生們下一堂課想要借用iPad。 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 And/ don’t forget to/ give back/ the iPads/ as soon as possible/ when/ you/ finish/ your class. 然後/ 不要忘記/ 還回/ 平板/ 儘快地/ 當/ 你/ 完成/ 課堂時。   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Please remember to finish the homework as soon as possible when you arrive home.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the conversation, what may be the word in the ________? (A)are (B)will (C)want (D)can According to the con


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Photo courtesy of 123rf 社會新鮮人進入職場前會規劃旅遊增廣見聞,體驗各地的景點和風土文化,有些會進入實習,或去國外打工度假,還有些高中畢業生在思考是否就業一年後再繼續學業。社會新鮮人在過渡期提升自我,本期也依這個主題來學TOEIC英文,一起提升自我吧! 【閱讀精選】 After the commencement ceremony, college-bound students have opportunities to engage in a variety of summer activities. One option is getting an internship, which provides valuable hands-on experience and allows them to network with industry professionals. Alternatively, students can also volunteer at charities, where they can contribute to meaningful causes. Lastly, some students might choose to take a gap year to gain some practical work experience and develop new professional skills. commencement  開始 動詞為「commence」代表 「開始」,畢業後開始面對下個階段或未來,故 graduation為「畢業」, 而「畢業典禮」通常會用「 commencement ceremony」。 注意另外多益高頻單字commerce 「商業」,拼法和發音都類似易混淆。


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★ 單字 uniform [júːnəfɔ̀rm] (n.)制服  (國中基礎1200字) tie  [tái] (n.)領帶  (國中基礎1200字) belt  [bɛlt] (n.)皮帶  (國中基礎1200字) blame [blem] (v.)責怪  (國中挑戰800字) fault   [fɔlt] (n.)錯誤  (國中挑戰800字) ★ 實用字詞 in the … way 以...的方式 too… 太... look like 看起來像 Stop Ving 停止做... be angry/mad at sb. 對...生氣 fight with… 跟...吵架/打架 Before heading for the weekly assembly in the Meeting Hall. 去禮堂集合進行週會前。 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Stop/talking/and/blaming/each other. 停止/說話/以及/責怪/彼此。   動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Remember to bring your books and your pencil bag.   考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 According to the conversation, what may it be in the third sentence? (A)his tie (B)his belt (C)her skirt (D)her appearance According to the conversation, which is true? (A)T