
與中文致詞習慣相反,英文致詞通常會先講問候語,再講貴賓姓名。(見例句1 )
內容通常都大同小異:「謹代表某某單位或協會、公司,非常開心/榮幸地歡迎各位貴賓的蒞臨。」代表某單位的句型可用「On behalf of +單位或公司名稱, S+ V」;表示開心/榮幸則可以使用「I am much delighted to + 動詞/ It’s my pleasure and honor to + 動詞」。(見例句2 、3 )
專案人員在撰寫此段落時,最好先搜尋相關資料,瞭解該領域最新發展、背景脈絡或趨勢後,用100 到150 字簡述背景脈絡或活動緣由,文字簡短但內容必須有深度。不僅顯示主辦單位的用心,亦能為後續演講議題開場與暖身。
介紹特定產業或領域時,為了強調該產業的重要性,經常會以經濟面向來衡量其價值,建議可以使用「S + contribute a lot to + sth」或「S + increase its contribution to sth」句型,指出該產業為GDP 或經濟成長帶來多少貢獻。(見例句4)
另外,亦可使用「S(報告/文件名稱) + has provided us with some findings of + 名詞」,引用國際組織或國外政府報告的內容或數據來支持特定論點。(見例句5)
介紹完背景資料後,可使用「This symposium has invited scholars/experts to address issues in + 主題」句型,為貴賓介紹做開場;再以「It’s my great honor to introduce + O(貴賓姓名), who+ V+O」,簡單介紹與會貴賓姓名、職稱、經歷與演講主題;若想進一步強調學者的經歷與學術地位,則可以使用「S + V, Ving」句型。(見例句6、7、8)
致詞稿最後一部分為結語,除了再次感謝各位貴賓能蒞臨,大部分還會使用「This symposium will inspire + 人 + to + V」句型,表達「希望與會人員獲益良多」、「研討會順利進行」之用意。(見例句9 )
Opening Remarks (例句1)Good morning, our honorable guests, Professor Bilton, Professor Sato, Professor Taylor, ladies and gentlemen.(例句2)On behalf of Taiwan’s Creative Industries Development Association,(例句3)I am much delighted to welcome you to the International Symposium on The Emerging Trends in Talent Development for Creative Industries. (例句4)Cultural and creative industries for the last decade have contributed a lot to GDP growth, employment, and international competitiveness in many countries around the world. (例句5)UK’s 2015 Creative Industries Economic Estimates issued by Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has provided us with some astonishing findings of the growth of the creative economy’s employment and Gross Value Added (GVA) of the year. 2.62 million jobs were in the Creative Economy in 2013, one in 12 jobs in the UK and 76.9 billion pounds in 2013 accounted for 5.0 percent of the UK Economy. These economic gains are growing fast recently, not only in the UK but also in Taiwan. Talent Development is definitely one of the key elements to support the continuous growth in Creative Industries. (例句6)This symposium has invited several distinguished international scholars to address issues in talent development strategies and to share their experiences in applying these strategies. (例句7)It’s my great honor to stand here, introducing Professor Bilton, who will present his keynote speech entitled “The Emerging Trends in Management in Creative Industries.” (例句8)Professor Bilton has published so many books on creative management, distinguishing himself as a guru in this field. Professor Sato, the director of the Center for Creative Research at Hitotsubashi University, will make his presentation in Session One, entitled “Talent Management Strategies in Creative Industries.” In Session Two, Professor Taylor, an outstanding scholar in management at RMIT University, will present her speech, entitled “Strategies for Talent Development in Managerial Positions in Creative Industries. We are greatly honored to have experts and scholars from the UK, Japan, Australia, and Taiwan to share their experience and insights in Talent Development in Creative Industries. (例句9)This Symposium, I believe, will inspire every participant today to have a deeper and better understanding of theories and practices in talent development strategies in creative industries. I would like to welcome you again and wish you a successful symposium. Thank you very much. |
開幕歡迎詞 (例句1)各位貴賓、比爾頓教授、佐藤教授、泰勒教授、各位先生女士,早安。(例句2)本人謹代表台灣創意產業發展協會,(例句3)非常高興地歡迎各位參加創意產業人才發展新趨國際研討會。 (例句4)過去十年,世界各國的文化創意產業對於GDP 成長、從業人數、國際競爭力等方面貢獻良多。(例句5)在英國文化、媒體與運動部公布的2015 年英國創意產業經濟報告中,指出一項驚人發現,創意經濟的從業人員與年度附加價值毛額皆有所成長。2013年,創意經濟提供了262萬個工作機會,英國每12個工作就有一個屬於創意工作,帶來769億英鎊,佔英國經濟的5%。最近,這些經濟利潤還會加速成長,英國與台灣皆是如此。 人才發展絕對是支持創意產業持續成長的關鍵因素。(例句6)這場國際研討會邀請了幾位優秀的國際學者,討論人才發展策略的議題,並分享他們運用這些策略的經驗。 (例句7)我很榮幸能站在這裡為大家介紹比爾頓教授,他稍後將為我們演說「創意產業管理新趨勢」專題演講;(例句8)比爾頓教授發表許多有關創意管理的專書,可說是這個領域的大師。佐藤教授為一橋大學創意研究中心主任,他將會在第一場專題座談中,發表「創意產業人才管理策略」的演說。泰勒教授任職於墨爾本皇家理工大學,是非常出色的學者,她將會在第二場專題座談中,談論「創意產業管理人才培育策略」。 我們非常榮幸能夠從英國、日本、澳洲、台灣邀請到這些專家學者,分享他們的經驗,以及對創意產業人才發展的獨到見解。(例句9)我相信今天的與會人員都能有所啟發,更深入且清楚地理解創意產業人才發展的理論與實務。 最後,我想再次歡迎各位貴賓,並預祝研討會成功順利,謝謝大家。 |
- Opening Remarks/Closing Remarks 開幕詞/閉幕詞
- honorable/distinguished guest 貴賓
- guru 指特定領域中大師級的人物
- field 專業領域
- outstanding/remarkable 突出的、卓越的、非凡的
- address issue 發表議題
- contribute to 對…有貢獻
- distinguish oneself as 使傑出、使顯出特色
- inspire 啟發、激勵
- account for 佔有、計入
About 陳超明
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