1. Thank you for your email of _____(date).
詢問信的開頭通常會先感謝對方來信詢問,因此用thank you for your email of _____(date)來表達,後面接上日期能更明確指出回覆的信件為哪封。請注意盡量不要用thanks for這種比較口語的用法,除了較不正式,也會顯得太過隨性,客戶會感覺你不夠重視他的問題。
2. With reference to~
表示感謝後,可以用with reference to~來表示要回覆信件的請求,並說明寫信者為何要撰寫這封信。範例中可看出寫信者回覆對方關於會議廳設備資訊的請求,這樣的寫法不但簡潔有力,也可以讓收信人快速抓到信件主旨。
3. Please find attached _____(附件形式)/information about~
這句話常用於有附件的電子郵件內容,please find attached _____(附件形式)/information about~(請見附件___檔/有關於~資訊)。範例中則是以這句話說明附件為PDF檔,內容是台北飯店的描述。也有人會用please find enclosed information about~,但無論是用attached或是enclosed,都有表達附件的意思。建議大家可以兩個交換使用,增加文具的多樣性,讀起來有變化感。
4. I’m pleased to inform you that~
I’m pleased to inform you that~的意思是「我很高興地告知你一個天大的好消息」。句型採用inform sb that,子句的結構表達告知的訊息內容。範例中的訊息內容為「一月底任何的預定都享有75折」,藉此增加成交的可能性。所以在回覆詢問信時想要以優惠打折的手法吸引客戶,都可以用這句話當作開頭,來增加成交機率。
5. If you would like further information about~
if you would like further information about~表達的是「歡迎對方隨時來信詢問」。注意would like後面加上名詞作受詞,請不要用want,後者太過口語,不適合用在商業書信。如果想要接動詞,也可以改成if you would like to know more about ~來進行替換。
6. Please contact me on~(電話號碼)
please contact me on~(電話號碼)的意思為「請直接打手機與我聯繫」。為了方便客戶與你聯繫,最好還是提供聯絡方式。範例中,寫信者希望客戶可以直接以電話聯繫,因此留下了工作的手機號碼。此外,也可以用please don’t hesitate to contact me through email或please let me know來請客戶與你聯繫。特別要注意,不要把contact和contract搞混,後者的意思為合約。
最後來看範例開頭和結尾的問候語,因為在收到詢問信時,我們可以得知來信者的稱謂,所以可以直接稱呼對方的名字。但如果是初次與對方接觸,我們可以在名字加上先生/小姐的稱謂,以面觸犯對方。而結尾的yours sincerely和yours faithfully意思相似,都是表達感謝對方閱信的表達語。
1. Sanso Engineering is organizing a conference for January 7.(T/F)
2. The hotel information can only be found on the website.(T/F)
3. If Jason makes a reservation before February 1, he can get a discount.(T/F)
4. The hotel is fully booked on May 4.(T/F)
5. Sarah Arthur is the conference manager at Sunshine hotels.(T/F)
1. January 7不是會議活動日,信中一開始說到Thank you for your email of January 7,因此我們知道January 7是對方詢問飯店會議出租的來信日,因此這題敘述錯誤。
2. 在第二段裡面說到please find attached a PDF file with a description of our Taipei hotel,因此我們知道除了網站之外,飯店資訊也可以在郵件附件裡面找到,因此這題敘述錯誤。
3. 文中提到before the end of January預定可得到折扣,換句話說就是在二月一日前,因此這題敘述正確。
4. 文中提到We still have rooms available for the date of your conference, May 4,因此我們知道會議活動日當天仍然有空房(rooms available),因此這題敘述說已經客滿是錯誤的。
5. 這要從信尾來判斷,寫信者Sarah Arthur後面附上自己的稱謂為Conference Manager,因此這題敘述正確。
TO: syamoto@hyndi.com
FROM: klee@globalmail.com
SUBJECT: AE123-QR/20__
Dear Ms. Yamoto
I am pleased to have the opportunity extended to me to work for your department. This position interests me greatly. However, I feel that the remuneration package you offer is not commensurate with my education and experience.
Please consider that after eight years of experience in the field, I will be able to be effective immediately. I am eager to get started in the new job as soon as possible, and am confident that we can reach agreement on remuneration.
I would like to meet with you again to discuss this, and will call to arrange an appointment.
Best regards,
Katie Lee
1. What is the main purpose of this email?
(A) To accept a position
(B) To request an appointment
(C) To negotiate payment
(D) To decline an offer
2. Which of the following is TRUE?
(A) Ms. Lee is currently unemployed.
(B) Ms. Lee worked in the same company for eight years.
(C) Ms. Yamoto interviewed Ms. Lee.
(D) Ms. Yamoto is in charge of accounts.
3. In the first paragraph, line 3 the word “commensurate” is closest in meaning to
(A) balanced
(B) indicative
(C) matched
(D) suitable
1. 正解為(C)。這題問「這封電子郵件的主旨為何?」雖然前面說道I am pleased to have the opportunity extended to me to work for your department.「我們高興能獲得為您部門效力的機會」,但是however後面接的這句才真正道出寫信者的目的。I feel that the remuneration package you offer is not commensurate with my education and experience 「我覺得你所提供的薪酬待遇與我的教育與資歷不相符」,這裡remuneration package指的是薪酬待遇,因用了package這個字,包含員工福利等。後面be commensurate with sth則表達與~相符,很明顯寫信者認為薪水太少,因此答案要選(C),要談判獲得更好的薪酬。
2. 正解為(C)。這題問「下列哪個敘述正確?」下面I would like to meet with you again to discuss this「我有意願再度跟你見面討論薪酬一事」,從這裡可以知道寫信者Katie Lee已經和對方見過面了,只是對於薪資有疑慮,因此想再進一步討論。因此我們判斷她已經見過面試者,因此答案選(C),而不選(B)是因為我們不能確定她過去八年的經驗都在同一間公司。
3. 正解為(C)。第三題問說第一段第三行的單字commensurate和下列那個字意思最相近?因為commensurate with sth的意思是相符,因此選擇(C)最適合。
文/Buffy Kao
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