
院長在英文上可以用Premier或Prime Minister表示。「prim-」這個拉丁字根有first,first (in importance)(最先的、第一個的、最重要的之意)。由「prim」衍伸的字有primary (adj)(主要的),primitive (adj)(原始的),而我們常聽到的premiere(電影首映會)也是同個字根而來,但要注意不要和premier搞混。
Tom Cruise arrived in Taiwan last year for the premiere of his latest movie.
(Tom Cruise去年抵台參加他新電影的首映。)
Premier Lai and his Cabinet resigned after the approval of the Central Government budget last week.
※cabinet在這裡當作「內閣」,不可數,所以閣員要加member這個字。cabinet是多益測驗辦公室情境的高頻字,如檔案櫃filing cabinet。
內閣裡的各部門可用Ministry表示,而部門首長即是minister,例如Culture Minster「文化部長」。一般企業部門常用department或division這兩個字,而部門長官則是chief(最重要的,最主要的)的officer(官員),比如CEO(Chief Executive Officer)(執行長),CFO (Chief Financial Officer)(財務長)等。
順帶一提,因為美國總統會同時兼任Commander in Chief(三軍統帥),所以美國影集【白宮女總統】的英文片名也叫做 Commander in Chief。
這次的內閣總辭可用resign (v)(辭職)表示,外加修飾詞來形容「大量」或「多數」,在新聞中可以看到的表達方式有:
1. mass resignation (n)
2. collective resignation (n)
3. resign en masse
collective (adj)有「一群的,一起的」之意,而en masse則是副詞,也是「群起地」的意思。
Our team shared the collective responsibility of the failure.
內閣改組在英文上常用cabinet reshuffle這個詞,reshuffle可用成動詞或名詞,做為rearrange解釋。shuffle這個字常出現在音樂的playlist上,如果你按了shuffle,playlist上的曲目就會打亂原本歌曲的排序,改為隨機播放,因此和改組的概念很相似。在多益測驗中,我們也會看到reorganize、restructure和rearrange這幾個可以形容改組的英文字。
The company rolled out a restructuring plan after the bankruptcy.
※roll out (v)展開
蔡英文總統上週宣布由蘇貞昌接任政院長一職,這種情況我們可以用appoint (v)來表示「派任,任命」。appoint這個詞後面可接to或 as,而名詞則是appointment。
President Tsai appointed Su as new Premier last week.
接任的英文可用replace (v),或是take over (v)。
Mr. Johnson will replace Mr. Fraser as MediTech’s new CEO.
The board of trustees decided that Ryan Parker was an ideal person to take over the job.
(董事會決定Ryan Parker是接管這個工作的理想人選。)
1. keep one’s position
2. continue in one’s position
3. remain in the position
4. stay on as ___(position)__
After the restructuring, Robert Schmidt will stay on as the Chief Operating Officer of the company.
(在公司重組後,Robert Schmidt將留任公司營運長一職。)
Several members will remain in the new Cabinet.
此外,繼任也可用succeed (v),而繼任者就是successor (n)。
Ms. Suzuki was elected to succeed Mr. Jim as the leader of the country.
(Ms. Suzuki被選上來接任Mr. Kim成為國家的領袖。)
和繼任者相反的就是predecessor (n)(前任),動詞為 precede (v)。
1. Mr. Oh …………… to oversee the production of the latest tablet computer.
(A) appoints
(B) was appointing
(C) has been appointed
(D) was appointment
2. One of Sarah’s …………… duties as the manager of HR is employee development and training.
(A) primary
(B) primitive
(C) precautious
(D) premiere
1. 正解為(C)。題意為「Mr. Oh被指派來管理監督新平板電腦的生產。」此題為文法題,這裡要選擇被動語態,因為Mr. Oh是被任命,不是任命他人,因此只有(C)符合被動語態。
2. 正解為(A)。題意為「Sarah作為人資經理的主要工作之一是員工的發展和訓練。」本題是語意題,最符合句意的選項為 (A)「最重要的」。(B)「原始的」、(C)「小心的」和(D)「首映」皆不符合。