★ 單字
1. discussion [dɪˋskʌʃən] n. 討論(國中挑戰800字)
2. maximum [ˋmæksəməm] adj. 最大的,最多的(國中挑戰800字)
★ 實用字詞
1. laptop 可拆為lap大腿、top上方,指可放置於腿部上方的筆記型電腦
2. earphones 可拆為ear耳朵、phone電話,指小型耳道式耳機,非頭戴式耳機
3. free trial 免費試用
4. platform 平台,online meeting platform 線上會議平台
Ted has listed the information of four online meeting platforms.

Prepare your laptop,/smartphone, and earphones/for the wonderful/video chat experience.
Click the link below to try Car Meet 7-day free trial.
1. Which is true?
(A) All four platforms can be used for over 2 hours.
(B) You could try Fast Meet free for 7 days.
(C) Using Hello Meet and Happy Meet will not cost you any money.
2. Teddy’s boss would like to hold an online meeting for 60 people, and he hopes they can vote, message, and talk for at least 2 hours. Which online meeting platform should he choose?
(A) Fast Meet
(B) Car Meet
(C) Hello Meet
3. Ming would like to invite other 4 group members to discuss about their report next week. He is planning for a 45-minute online meeting, and he doesn’t want to spend money on it. Which online meeting platform should he choose?
(A) Happy Meet
(B) Car Meet
(C) Hello Meet
Click/the link below/to try/Car Meet/7-day free trial.
1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (C)
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