標籤: 生活英語



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手搖飲料一直是台灣很有代表性的美食,除了口味多變化之外,還可依照個人喜好調整甜度冰塊,十分貼心!本篇針對想點一杯飲料、卻不知如何用英文溝通的窘境,整理出萬用句型及五大類常用單字,說不定你也會在多益考題中碰到它們,快點學起來吧! (閱讀全文...)
觀光英語很重要 從自我介紹開始學起

觀光英語很重要 從自我介紹開始學起

Dialogue A Meeting a Host Family Kevin: Kevin Huang J: Jim Richardson K: Kathy Richardson Kevin Huang has just arrived at his host family's home in Los Angeles. J&K: Welcome Kevin! Kevin: Hello! You must be the Richardsons. It's a pleasure to meet you. K: We are pleased to finally meet you as well. Kevin: What a nice home you have! J: Thanks! Did you have a good flight? Kevin: It was OK, but it took too long! My legs are still stiff. K: Well, we're happy to have you staying with us. The kids are at school today, so you'll meet them later. Jim will show you to your room, and then we'll have dinner outside in the backyard. J: Let's go upstairs! (Later, in the backyard.) Kevin: Thanks again for having me. This food sure looks great! I'm excited to be having my first r...