十二生肖不只在華人世界占有重要地位,西方人也對此頗有興趣,更有許多英文網站專文介紹不同生肖每年的運勢變化。然而十二生肖英文該怎麼說,應採用哪種英文翻譯,也產生不少疑惑,例如:鼠年應該用 rat還是 mouse?雖然兩種說法都有人使用,但還是以Year of the Rat為大宗。本次專欄除了要帶大家認識鼠年,還有其他老鼠相關的英文用語。
Dialogue C
Organizing a Delivery(1)
K: Kevin M: Marco E: DHL employee
Even though Kevin got rid of some old stuff, he's still got a whole lot of things he needs to ship back to Taiwan.
Dialogue A
Ke: Kevin Ka: Kate Ma: Marco
D: Dan Me: Megumi J: Jim
After his study abroad program , Kevin is finally leaving the US and going home to Taiwan, so his classmates and homestay family are throwing a farewell party for (1) him.
All: Surprise!
Ke: What's this?
Ka: We know you're heading back home, so we decided to have a get-together.
Ke: Wow, you even got my classmates here! Marco, Megumi, I didn't know if I'd ever see you guys again!
Ma: You're always welcome in Paraguay—or maybe I'll make it to Taiwan first.
Ke: You have to come!
D: Is it fair to say (2) you've enjoyed your time here in Los Angeles?
Ke: Of course! I've had a great time. I've learned so much and met so many great friends. Kate, Dan, Kathy, Jim, you've been so wonderful. I'll never forget