省錢必看》七月起「旅遊補助 」新制上路 英文怎麼說?
Rent Subsidy「租金補貼」
Su described the new scheme as a "significant" policy toward achieving "housing justice" thanks to significantly relaxed eligibility criteria and increased subsidies for young singles, newlywed couples, families with young children, and socially and economically disadvantaged families. (ICRT)
relaxed eligibility criteria是「放寬資格標準」的意思。relax最常見的解釋為「放鬆」,但是在政策上,可以用來形容「放寬(措施)」的意思,本句採用過去分詞表達形容詞的用法。
A good massage will relax your tired muscles.
Two weeks after the police relaxed security at the airports, there was a bomb attack.